Election 2020: Fingerprints of Fraud

Fingerprints of Fraud movie

The General election of 2020 was perhaps the most contentious election in our country’s history. It was certainly the most contested and displayed the most concerning irregularities. Since the election, many researchers, election experts, and concerned citizens have performed an unprecedented evaluation of the election procedures and data. Many have found hard evidence of manipulation and fraud at the state, county, and local levels. To date, the judicial systems of those locales have been unwilling or unable to give a fair hearing to the findings, leaving our country in a divided condition where a majority of the population no longer trusts the election system.

Jeff O'Donnell - Introduction to Movie

Jeff O’Donnell – Introduction to Movie

Jeff O’Donnell has led this charge in his technical abilities in his understanding of coding, database control, and computer forensics.  If you are a concerned American, this is a must watch to understand where the fraud is going to take place again.

Here is a link to the Movie and links to other information that breaks down the 5 Parts of the movie.

Here is a link to the evidence, reports, summaries, rebuttals to dissenters, data forms, and information that is supporting the Fingerprints of Fraud movie.

Here is a direct link to the movie in chunks of 20 minutes a piece:

Part One – The Voter Rolls
Part Two – The Machines
Part Three – Mail-In Madness
Part Four – Election Night Reporting
Part Five – Digital Danger

Part One




Part Two




Part Three




Part Four




Part Five