New Zealand officially Communist Nation

NZ Prime Minister

In case you have missed the statements coming from New Zealand, the Minister Jacinda Ardern happily admitted she created two classes of people: The vaccinated and the unvaccinated. There is a clip below that shows exactly what she has said.  Now, we can officially label New Zealand as a communist nation.

In an interview with the NZ Herald on Friday, a reporter asked Ardern if her goal is to create two classes of citizens with New Zealand’s “traffic light” system, which Ardern unveiled Friday morning.

Reporter: “So you’ve basically said, you probably don’t see it like this – but two different classes of people, if you’re vaccinated or unvaccinated,” the reporter said. “You have all these rights if you are vaccinated“

Here is the Twitter link video.

Jacinda: “That is what it is, so, yep!”

NZ Prime Minister on 2 classes of people

NZ Prime Minister on 2 classes of people

Jacinda Ardern smugly said with a smile on her face.

“If you want summer, if you want to go to bars and restaurants get vaccinated, if you want to get a hair cut – get vaccinated,” the prime minister said.

Ardern told the Herald the use of vaccine certificates is designed to make vaccinated people feel safe, even though vaccinated people are reportedly protected against severe illness.

Lets look at the numbers:

New Zealand, which has only reported 28 Coronavirus deaths since the pandemic began, has enforced some of the “tightest pandemic restrictions among OECD nations,” Reuters reported. Despite that fact, the country has been experiencing an outbreak, with nearly 2,500 cases reported out of a population of 5 million.

Let’s do the math…. 2,500/5,000,000 = 0.0005

Holy Shit! That’s sooo worth it. (sarcasm).  We know a guy that has traveled through New Zealand that had to deal with their insane protocols, and decided not to travel through there again…  What a shit show this chick is.