Doctors Beware, you have been bamboozled on Covid-19

Ivermectin Truth

If you are a doctor or medical professional and have not been actively researching Covid-19, you most likely have been hoodwinked!  Big Medical Centers, Government Medical Departments, big media, and celebrities all have pushed a fake narrative.  Here are two important points to take away on Ivermectin and then you should question the reason for all of its negativity.

One, a credible report is out that over 100 US congressmen and Senators were treated with Ivermectin yet make official statements that the rest of the country should not trust it.

Two is a video that clearly explains the history, official studies, and experts that Ivermectin IS EFFECTIVE as a prophylactic and treatment.

If you have 20 minutes to view the video below, this will open your eyes to the proof that Doctors, the American People and others are being PLAYED.

The True Defender website has published these videos and has more extensive research to other aspects of the crap that is being spewed by fake media.

Here is the video:


Ivermectin High Level Description of Attack

Ivermectin High Level Description of Attack

Here is a woman that shared her experience of taking the Ivermectin and her C-19 journey of treatment. It wasn’t very long because she recovered very fast.


Okay people, time to share this far and wide!!!!!