Just Words from an Old D

Joe Biden DNC Acceptance Speech 2020

Joe Biden made his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention on national tv and once again spewed his list of promises to the American people.  He has been in a public office for 47 years.  He has nothing to show for it except being a Vice President in which the worst economy and policies were ever enacted.

President Trump went to Twitter to respond.

“In 47 years, Joe did none of the things of which he now speaks, He will never change, just words!”

Biden’s acceptance of the nomination was from his home state of Delaware, he promised to restore the “soul of America” and deliver the nation from what he described as “darkness.”

The 77-year-old former vice president said Trump has failed in his basic duty to protect Americans and pledged to get a handle on the coronavirus that has killed more than 170,000 people and placed the country on an economic downward spiral.

“He’s failed to protect us. He’s failed to protect America and, my fellow Americans, that is unforgivable,” Biden said of Trump. “As president, I’ll make you a promise: I’ll protect Americans. I will defend us from every attack — seen and unseen — always, without exception, every time.”

Biden also blamed Trump for stoking anger and division in America, and pledged to bring the country back into the “light.”

This is so RICH, the Democratic Party has been the group to stoke the fires of division through out the nation.  Through its Black Lives Matter support, kneeling before the flag and demonizing the Police.

I submit that a majority of Americans are not in support of this stance.

Also, the Former Vice President Joe Biden repeated the “very fine people” hoax in accepting the Democratic Party nomination in a speech to the Democratic National Convention (DNC), repeating his lines from last week, almost word for word.

Remember seeing those neo-Nazis and white supremacists, coming out of fields spewing the same antisemitic bile heard across Europe in the ’30s. Remember the violent clash that ensued between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it. And remember what the president said when asked? He said there were, quote, very fine people on both sides. That was a wake up call for us as a country and for me a call to action.

Breitbart News has the details to refute this claim. Here are some points to the counter this lie.

President Trump repeatedly condemned the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville in August 2017 — “totally.”

Moreover, the neo-Nazis were not the only violent group in Charlottesville. The “clash” was not with those “standing against” hate peacefully, but with violent, black-clad Antifa extremists.

As to “very fine people,” Trump had been referring to peaceful protests both for and against the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

Again the lies of the Democrat Party.