Colorado is changing its name soon

Colorado Flag

New names like East California, West New York, Jersey West all have some kind of ring to it.  What do Coloradans think?  They love it!!  But I never thought Colorado would be so stupid.

Colorado and Eleven other states have signed onto the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement that requires those states to select their presidential electors based on who wins the most individual votes nationwide, regardless of which candidate wins in the state.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed a bill Friday March 15, 2019 bringing the state into the compact.

This is the kicker: the compact also includes a clause prohibiting states from pulling out.

Here are the states that have signed on since 2007: California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia.

This is a surprise, considering that Colorado has the highest per capita of degrees in the United States, and is the dumbest thing they have signed on to. The electoral college is a system set up to have 50 separate elections for the president. Each state DOES have a popular vote for president in THEIR state! The majority of votes in THEIR state goes to the winner, and where by the states are recognized by its population as a whole. This is how people in states and territories have a SAY!

This is where Civics has not been taught in school properly OR has been corrupted in its teachings for the past 10-20 years! This is bullshit!

The national popular vote now shifts the power to the states where the most populated centers are located, and in effect the smaller states will not matter.

This dumb idea came about because those BIG states now want to push their will on the smaller states and have done so by coercion.

It undermines the principle of federalism by removing power from individual states and “cedes power” to larger states like California and New York. This seems to be hatched out of wanting to change the system because they oppose Trump, and that’s a short-sighted view.

I guess Colorado is now an ANNEX of California.