From the Grabien News, they have compiled a list of the 10 worst media moments of 2016. I think that they have hit on the highlights and I agree with […]
Kellogg Co. announced on Tuesday, November 29th its decision to pull ads from conservative media giant because its 45,000,000 monthly conservative readers are not “aligned with our values as […]
According to the New York Times newspaper, they find ONE Elector to vote for Hillary. This person now lives in Texas, and was from New York at one point in time. Wow! ONE elector […]
After such obvious support of Hillary Clinton this past election cycle, and such utter shock of her losing on November 8th, so called “Journalism” took a hit. They are engrossed […]
Wikileaks has confirmed that the main stream media has already chosen sides and no longer a partial onlooker. Hillary’s campaign leading up to her start, bribed the major media stars […]
The corrupt media are manipulating the polling to favor the Clinton machine. An email from John Podesta, Clinton’s Campaign Manager, demonstrates this from WikiLeaks. The technique is called “oversampling”, which […]
CNN is in the tank for Hillary. It’s more than obvious now. Here is a perfect example of several instances, where the on air “link” was mysteriously cut. CNN is […]
Well, well, well, Google is in cahoots with Hillary. WikiLeaks has released emails that appear to show Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google parent company Alphabet, working directly with the […]
Even when Hillary was “SELECTED” by her party leaders and “NOT ELECTED” by her party, she has continued on the same path, create FAKE support and even FAKE outrage. Being […]
Being away from the news sources I trust most, I have seen and listened to the other media outlets. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN etc. The major media outlets around the united […]
Jesus, these two jokers can never look through the lens of the “REAL” world. The reaction to the Fakebook meeting they had with Zuckerburg that they genuinely think there will […]
From a GIZMODO News Story, Facebook workers routinely suppressed news stories of interest to conservative readers from the social network’s influential “trending” news section! This shouldn’t be a surprise to […]
This is great. The journalists and the political asses get together to stroke each other. This is like the Oscars! Let’s see, the majority of correspondents/media types/reporters are Democrats, so they […]
The Media Research Center and Brent Bozell have completed research to prove that Trump has received favorable air time than any other Republican candidate out there. A team of MRC […]