Facebook is now trying to clean up the “conservative bias” on their site, using Snopes. They are now cleaning up real big issues that plague their site, SATIRE! In a […] Facebook uses Snopes NowThis entry was posted in Liberals Media on March 3, 2018 by J.Stone
I recently reviewed some headlines on CNN. Sometimes it’s good to see what the opposition is doing. I came upon this doozy and I had to click on it to […] CNN web site drive byThis entry was posted in Liberals Media on March 3, 2018 by J.Stone
There have been many watchers of the CNN townhall that pitted citizens against political and the National Rifle Association in the forum calling it a fraud. One young man, a […] Staged: CNN townhallThis entry was posted in Media on February 23, 2018 by J.Stone
This is why CNN is pathetic and pushing an agenda. It’s peddling sexuality and not USA. CNN thinks we have met some milestone by somehow pushing the boundaries for inclusion […] CNN: Peddling TEAM LGB and not TEAM USAThis entry was posted in Media Sports on February 12, 2018 by J.Stone
Here is an article that needs to be translated: Yahoo News/Reuters News: Trump ramps up NFL fight, calls for ban on kneeling during anthem WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald […] A Lesson on Media translationThis entry was posted in Media Sports on October 5, 2017 by J.Stone
MSNBC host and former GOP Congressman Joe Scarborough is leaving the Republican party. In Part because he is disgusted that ‘time and time again IT has ‘turned a blind eye […] Huh? Joe Scarborough from MSNBC was a Republican?This entry was posted in Liberals Media Political on July 14, 2017 by J.Stone
In a recent article in the Daily Caller website, they come to the defense of CNN. CNN is crying again, and now the CNN staff are worried about personal information […] CNN is crying againThis entry was posted in Media Political on July 7, 2017 by J.Stone
CNN has been caught creating a false narrative, and caught red handed! The Gateway Pundit online has obtained a video of the incident. Once again, CNN is creating FAKE NEWS! […] Caught: CNN creating FAKE newsThis entry was posted in Media Religion on June 6, 2017 by J.Stone
The US media, the big three news groups, CBS, NBC and ABC, all have avoided reporting on the disaster happening in Venezuela. The socialistic experiment called socialism happening in Venezuela […] US Media avoids reporting Venezuela’s socialism troublesThis entry was posted in Media on June 6, 2017 by J.Stone
Ahh yes… I remember the history books in middle school and high school. Now, CNN is trying to CHANGE history. On CNN, Walter Kanau Bell was “exploring” the ideas that […] CNN trying to CHANGE HistoryThis entry was posted in Media Religion on June 1, 2017 by J.Stone
The media hysteria has broken to a fever pitch. Really. From anyone outside of Washington DC, one can’t understand what they are pushing and pushing. But they CAN understand that […] Media and Congress are creating HYSTERIAThis entry was posted in Media Political on May 19, 2017 by J.Stone
It seems that ABC has canceled the “The Last Man Standing” show, starring Tim Allen, for political reasons. The show was in the Friday night line ups. It averaged over […] ABC kills show for seemingly political reasonsThis entry was posted in Media Political on May 16, 2017 by J.Stone
In a recent weekend show of 60 Minutes, Scott Pelly featured a piece Examining Fake News stories and became befuddled by expert opinions on the matter. NewsBusters describes the findings […] The 60 Minutes show is befuddled by fakenewsThis entry was posted in Media Video on March 29, 2017 by J.Stone
A former White House press secretary of the previous administration has a new job, the Today Show has hired another leftist democrat Josh Ernest as a “political analyst” to join […] NBC adds more leftest to the Today ShowThis entry was posted in Media Political Video on March 29, 2017 by J.Stone