Sen. Lindsey Graham – ‘My party has gone batsh*t crazy’

Lindsey Graham

What a quote! Someone please give the gentleman a mirror! ALERT to SOUTH CAROLINA voters, Senator Lindsey Graham (R) made a remark that needs your attention.

Graham made this remark at the Washington Press Club Foundation’s annual congressional dinner, which was attended by more than 750 lawmakers, journalists and congressional aides. This was a comment in regards to the front runner Donald Trump getting support from the GOP, ‘My party has gone batsh*t crazy’.

This is being reported by the Kansas City Star Newspaper yesterday.  This is another example of a party leader having NO CLUE that “their” thinking is in any way, shape or form, part of the NORM among the people of the United States.

I hope that the good people of South Carolina, finally will take a clue and send this guy packing.  Graham made a bid for the Presidency this year and cracked 1% of support.