77.5 Million US Households Pay NO Federal Income Taxes in 2015

Tax Day

As the Tax Day in America comes this Monday April 18, 2016, roughly 45% of all US households will not pay ANY FEDERAL INCOME Taxes for the 2015 year, according to data for the 2015 tax year from the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington-based research group.

From MarketWatch:

Roughly half pay no federal income tax because they have no taxable income, and the other roughly half get enough tax breaks to erase their tax liability, explains Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center.

So much for the fair share of taxes to be paid is also to be shared in the United States. Listen, I wouldn’t mind at all, for the simple fact that many of the 45% are bitching!

This is the same 45% that probably don’t give a shit that they vote on raising taxes on local and state taxes. It’s probably the same 45% that are getting behind to vote for a Democrat for president of the United States.

When are we going to implement a “No Skin in the game” philosophy to voting on taxes or maybe the voting for president? Some of these people don’t make it a civic responsibility to even take voting seriously and use the “flip a coin” method.

When it comes to all federal taxes — individual income, payroll, excise, corporate income and estate taxes — the distributions of who pays what is more spread out. This is partially because nearly everyone pays excise taxes, which includes taxes on gasoline, alcohol and cigarettes.

You can see those numbers on their website in the link above, but according to The Tax Policy Center, Rich people pay 69% of ALL federal taxes in America.

So Socialist and Democrats stop bitching and moaning, PLEASE!!