State of the Union Lies by Biden

Biden Clown

In case you “missed” it, the state of the union of the United States is great by Bidens account and his “leadership”.  The State of the Union lies by Biden, an opinion piece by The Federalist, a conservative online magazine, it listed Joe Biden making false or misleading statements during his recent State of the Union address.  The article lists 15 “whoppers” that Biden told during the speech.

Biden’s speech was “riddled with falsehoods,” and he was trying to mislead the American people on a range of issues. It also suggests that the mainstream media has been complicit in promoting these falsehoods.

According to the article in the Federalist, the 15 claims made by President Joe Biden in his State of the Union address that are either untrue or misleading are:

+  Called Chuck Schumer the Senate Minority Leader (which he is not)
+  More Jobs Created in Two Years Than Any Other President
+  Fastest Growth in 40 Years
+  Inflation Is ‘Coming Down’
+  Democracy Faced ‘Greatest Threat Since Civil War’ On Jan. 6
+  I’m Responsible for the Largest Deficit Cut in U.S. History
+  Republicans Are Trying to Cut Social Security
+  Fires Have Burned an Area the Size of Missouri
+  Biden Repeats Claim Fast Food Workers Sign Noncompete Agreements
+  Biden Blames Crime Wave on Covid After Democrats Defunded Police
+  I Re-Upped Funding for Cancer Research
+  Immigration ‘Reform’ Will Secure the Border
+  Mass Shootings Went Down After Assault Weapon Ban
+  Life-Saving Pro-Life Laws Are Extreme
+  ‘I’m Here to Be President for All Americans’

Check out the article, it includes the information to refute this idiot’s claims, point by point.

Here is a list of what others thought the greatest whoppers Biden claimed:

—  COVID-19 vaccines were not available before he became president.
—  He is responsible for the decline in COVID-19 cases in the United States.
—  The U.S. economy is booming under his administration.
—  His infrastructure plan will create millions of jobs.
—  The United States has a higher unemployment rate than any other advanced economy.
—  His infrastructure plan will reduce carbon emissions.
—  The United States has the most expensive prescription drugs in the world.
—  The United States is the only advanced country without a national paid family leave program.
—  The proposed voting laws in some states will make it harder for Americans to vote.
—  His infrastructure plan will fix 10,000 bridges.
—  His infrastructure plan will fix all lead pipes in America.
—  He inherited the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
—  The proposed voting laws in some states will make it illegal to give people water while they wait in line to vote.
—  His administration is committed to providing law enforcement officers with the resources they need to do their job.
—  His administration is committed to creating good-paying union jobs.

What a LOAD of BULLSHIT and the Mainstream Media regurgitate the talking points.  No evaluating it….

Clown World

Clown World