Letter to Colorado from a state resident

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This was an open letter to Coloradans from an anonymous reader. There are some people in the state who care about its future and due to this past election, they felt the need to express their opinion.

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This is a letter to the Democrats and Independent voters of Colorado. After this election cycle of November 8, 2022, I find it hard to believe that the direction of state is what you truly want. I have lived in this state for 35 years. I have seen it change, and not for the better.

First, let’s talk about Jared Pollis. His claim to be re-elected is that he helps protect forest fires and cut taxes. However, I EXPECT him to deal in state emergencies so big whoop. As for cutting taxes, that’s bullshit. Giving money back that isn’t used in TABOR is not cutting taxes. I see Denver as a fucking DUMP now. You call this a city? Homeless camps everywhere, drugs killing people, the taxpayers flipping the bill on illegals in this state, and crime (murders and theft) has skyrocketed.  Seriously, Denver is a shit hole.

Then there’s Michael Bennet. His campaign was about doing what’s right for Colorado. The motherfucker voted with Washington DC and Biden. So, you think he is FOR COLORADO still?  You people do fucking realize that inflation is worsened by the government adding money to the economy? In laymen terms it’s like adding gasoline to a fire… Did you really like the stupid ass bill called “the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022”?  Which doesn’t really do what it’s titled.  Bennet also is quietly for less police, or many call it “defunding the police”, as his wife was caught saying in a recent video.

The last example is Jenna Griswold. The secretary of state, running the organization of businesses and elections of Colorado. The mere fact that she is in charge of elections of the state, county and cities should scare everyone. If elections aren’t transparent for the voters on the inner workings, then it could be cheated.  Add in computers, and then one person or group can modify or fix elections.  Jenna is not honest and shouldn’t be trusted. If you think computers can’t be hacked or programmed to fix elections, you are a moron.  Computers can and do things in a blink of an eye. Computers process and calculate lots of things in the background.  There are no checks and balances in the whole fucking election process.  The simple fact that I can’t review the code is a black box system and that has NO BUSINESS running my elections. I don’t trust someone that fucking stupid that doesn’t understand computers, systems, databases and networking to use the “trust me card”.

The real truth is the votes are being manipulated even in “blue Colorado”, I’m willing to bet most republican counties had theirs votes manipulated.  Just like in the district Lauren Boebert is running.  Fraud is going on there, no question!

In closing, voters of Colorado, are you really good citizens when you vote and at least research candidates, amendments and other items on the ballot or do you vote not knowing the details? I’d prefer a knowledgeable voter than someone who votes not knowing jack shit on why.  The other question I have is do you actually determine your vote strictly on advertisements on TV, radio, or internet with those stupid tag lines?  Like “vote for Biden, strong, leadership, and for democracy”?

Yeah, I thought so…. oh, and those who moved here from California, fuck you for voting like you still live in Cali.  It didn’t work there, BUT you vote the same way.  That’s the epidemy of stupid. Go back assholes! Nobody from Colorado likes you.

In case you didn’t realize by now, I’m fucking pissed at the stupid muthafucker Democrat leaders and the fucking democrat idiots that vote for them. Fuck you. This WAS a nice state to live in.

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We understand this person’s plight. There have been many with the same thoughts in different states.

Unbearable California Republic