My God! 400 Jobs leave North Carolina!

Look out! Paypal canceled its plans to open a “Global Operations Center” in Charlotte, North Carolina because of “discrimination” from a new law passed.

The measure also mandates that students in state schools use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender when they were born.

On March 23, North Carolina, in an emergency session, passed the controversial Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act. Critics have blasted the law for excluding gays and transgender people from legal protections.

Apparently we have been in the dark ages with NO legal protections to anyone, and not since the late 1960s. Please, this is such horse shit. America has rights for everyone; this ideal of “Special Rights” has been perpetuated to the point of insanity by the loons of the left.

This has got to stop. I’m tired of hearing about it and I’m tired of not saying anything.