Pennsylvania, ready to steal the Vote again in 2022

Leigh Chapman SOS PA

Pennsylvania is now letting the citizens know ahead of time that don’t have high hopes for counting ballots on time again this year. Acting Democrat Pennsylvania Secretary of State Leigh Chapman warned voters Wednesday that processing and counting election night ballots will take “days” to complete, and no final result will be posted Nov. 8. Translation: we are working to steal the vote and it will take some time to manipulate the counts to look legitimate.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Although some voters have already submitted their ballots, Pennsylvania law says election officials cannot canvass the early ballots until 7 a.m. on Election Day, Chapman told Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd. Votes cast on election night will be counted after polls close at 8 p.m.

So, the reason given now is they can’t start early and don’t have the “resources” to count ballots. WTF? Okay, Leigh Chapman, get your shit together. What is the point of having these new election counting machines to count dumbass? Go back to scantrons… idiot.

It took Pennsylvania four days to count the ballots in the 2020 election, according to Todd. The delay and handling of the ballots during the COVID-19 pandemic led some voters to believe there was voter fraud that tipped the presidential election to President Joe Biden over then-incumbent President Donald Trump. However, claims of fraud sufficient to overturn the election in Pennsylvania and other places around the country have been roundly rejected by the courts and election officials.

They also had 8,000 more votes than actual voters! So where did these 8K votes come from???? Love the “claims” statements about election stealing. (sarcasm) the rejected by courts and “election officials”.

1st – courts didn’t want to touch this with a 10-foot pole. The courts were scared shitless to ACTUALLY HEAR evidence.
2nd – these “election officials” have their ass on the line and would go to jail for such incompetence, so yeah, THEY DID GREAT!

Magic Numbers

Magic Numbers