Another Counterterrorism Expert calls it out

Cynthia Farahat

A well-known Egyptian author and political analyst, Cynthia Farahat has highlighted a group called the Muslim Brotherhood. It has associations with virtually all Islamic terror groups in the world. Cynthia Farahat reveals that the Muslim Brotherhood’s Plan is to “Destroy” the West – “Like Cancer”.

They are the command and control for Islamic terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, the Islamic State (IS), the Islamist Jemaah Islamiyah, the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Hamas, along with many other radical terrorists’ groups.

Before anything is said about this, Americans should know that EVERY islamic “religious center” in the United States is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, period. So, who is the Muslim Brotherhood?

The Muslim Brotherhood — whose motto declares, “The Koran is our law, jihad is our way, dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope,” was founded in Egypt in 1928 as a pan-Islamic movement with both political and charitable arms.

It openly seeks to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate based on Sharia law.

There’s a DAMN good REASON why our founding fathers didn’t like this political group, way back in 1780’s.

“Their end game is to murder every single non-Muslim on the planet and also kill all Muslims who are not members of a jihadist group, and destroy Western civilization,” she added. “That’s according to their own words.”

Before people guffaw this, Americans should note, in 1994 the number of mosques “centers” was around 962. Now, the number in 2020 is an estimated 2800. A growth rate of 26%, 74%, and 31% each decade respectively.

islam numbers

islam numbers

Also, in the 1980s and 90s these mosques and Islamic centers were built with generous contributions from abroad.
(hmmmmmmm, really??)

According to Farahat, the group’s “mission” in the United States has been “extremely successful” due to the fact that they have “articulated their plans perfectly” for the country, operating nationwide through what they dub, “Civilization Jihad Operation,” the initial non-violent stage of the Islamist attack on the West.

She also noted that during the Holy Land Foundation Trial, the largest terrorism financing trial in United States history, one document entered as court evidence — the explanatory memorandum — discussed the operation, defining it as “destroying [Western civilization’s] miserable house from within by their own hands, [to be delivered to] the hands of the believers.”

“When they say that it means that they will be both doing infiltration and subversion of every single American institution and corrupting it from the inside out like a cancer,” she warned. “That’s how they identify what they’re doing and that’s exactly what they have been doing.”

Farahat claimed that their success in executing the operation was due to their “working with U.S. lawmakers and specifically the State Department and some American intelligence agencies.”

So, they have infiltrated the FBI, CIA, State Department, and other high offices and departments.  In case some of you didn’t realize, the “Brotherhood” has managed to have these guys change definitions; change how they are Labeled, etc.

This should SCARE the SHIT out of you!

Of course, some of you have recognized this, like the NASA “outreach program” by Oblama.