New Zealand is looking for Tourism from USA

NZ Prime Minister

This is really rich. The leader of New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will visit the United States this week in a bid to boost exports and lure more tourists. Well, isn’t that interesting? A country that locks down its people and even tourist to “protect itself” from Covid, now is asking for United States tourist to visit their shithole country. This nation looks to fully reopen its border after more than two years of restrictions.

HAHA, like the restrictions are all gone now. Right?

US News and World Report

Bilateral trade between the countries was worth about NZ$18.5 billion ($12 billion) in 2021, with annual growth averaging 5% over the past 15 years, official data showed.

U.S. travelers were New Zealand’s third-largest tourism market, forming 10% of total arrivals before the emergence of COVID-19.

“With travelers planning their visits months before coming in the New Zealand summer, now is the right time to be visible in the U.S. market letting Americans know we are open for business and travel,” Ardern said.

New Zealand’s closure of its border to non-citizens in March 2020 helped keep COVID-19 numbers relatively low. Ardern early this month said the country would fully reopen its border from the end of July.

During their meeting, dementia Joe said this:

“We need your guidance. You understand that your leadership has taken on a critical role on this global stage, and it really has, galvanized action on climate change,” said Biden.

Biden is a dipshit. period. Basically, a total idiot praising another total idiot.