Finally, Ex-CIA member John Sipher comes out to the public. In regard to the Hunter Laptop, his estimation at the time was the laptop was part of the Russian dis-information during the election of 2020. The laptop is now considered real and creditable 2 years later. Sipher seems worried about what was on the laptop. They had the “evidence” back then to review but simply ignored it. An article from the Washington Examiner, has more of the story and Siphers internet blog spat with Ric Grinell. So, what is all about?
The people calling the laptop a dis-information campaign was the intelligence community. Today, “they” DIDN’T say it WASN”T his laptop, but they didn’t say it was either.
Despite offering no proof, Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign, along with many in the media, dismissed the laptop story as being a Russian disinformation operation.
So they had access to the laptop but dismissed it, however, they believed it to be a fake!!!
Did people know Sipher now works for a nonpartisan organization called the Atlantic Council? Yeah, this is a beauty! They sure SHAPED “something” back in 2020 … here is the information:
Atlantic Council – Shaping the global future together
The Atlantic Council is a nonpartisan organization that galvanizes US global leadership and engagement in partnership with allies and partners.Driven by our mission of “shaping the global future together,” the Atlantic Council is a nonpartisan organization that galvanizes US leadership and engagement in the world, in partnership with allies and partners, to shape solutions to global challenges. Come and work with us!
Funny…. NONPARTISAN says the Ex-CIA member John Sipher who retired in 2014 after a 28-year career in the CIA’s National Clandestine Service, and he is one of the dozens of former intelligence officials who claimed the laptop story “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”
He tweeted early Monday morning: “I signed a letter I believed to be true.”
“…it wasn’t part of a Disinfo campaign. He said we don’t have intelligence to support it. We may have enough intelligence to conclude it fits a pattern or is likely a campaign but it’s not unusual not to have specific confirming intelligence. Playing games with words.
Either he’s an IDIOT or LIER. I think it’s both actually. We can play with words 2.
Again, you can’t trust the intelligence community to tell the truth or the media when it serves the best for democrat leaders.
Below is the list of “Intelligence Agents” that signed the paper that they lied about the story: Link here.
Mike Hayden, former CIA director, now analyst for CNN
Jim Clapper, former director of national intelligence, now CNN pundit.
Leon Panetta, former CIA director and defense secretary, now runs a public policy institute at California State University
John Brennan, former CIA director, now analyst for NBC and MSNBC
Thomas Fingar, former National Intelligence Council chair, now teaches at Stanford University
Rick Ledgett, former National Security Agency deputy director, now a director at M&T Bank
John McLaughlin, former CIA acting director, now teaches at Johns Hopkins University
Michael Morell, former CIA acting director, now at George Mason University
Mike Vickers, former defense undersecretary for intelligence, now on board of BAE Systems
Doug Wise, former Defense Intelligence Agency deputy director, teaches at University of New Mexico
Nick Rasmussen, former National Counterterrorism Center director, now executive director, Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism
Russ Travers, former National Counterterrorism Center acting director
Andy Liepman, former National Counterterrorism Center deputy director
John Moseman, former CIA chief of staff
Larry Pfeiffer, former CIA chief of staff, now senior advisor to The Chertoff Group
Jeremy Bash, former CIA chief of staff, now analyst for NBC and MSNBC
Rodney Snyder, former CIA chief of staff
Glenn Gerstell, former National Security Agency general counsel
Glenn Gerstell, former National Security Agency general counsel
David Priess, former CIA analyst and manager
Pam Purcilly, former CIA deputy director of analysis
Marc Polymeropoulos, former CIA senior operations officer
Chris Savos, former CIA senior operations officer
John Tullius, former CIA senior intelligence officer
David A. Vanell, former CIA senior operations officer
Kristin Wood, former CIA senior intelligence officer, now non-resident fellow, Harvard
David Buckley, former CIA inspector general
Nada Bakos, former CIA analyst and targeting officer, now senior fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute
Patty Brandmaier, former CIA senior intelligence officer
James B. Bruce, former CIA senior intelligence office
David Cariens, former CIA intelligence analyst
Janice Cariens, former CIA operational support officer
Paul Kolbe, former CIA senior operations officer
Peter Corsell, former CIA analyst
Brett Davis, former CIA senior intelligence officer
Roger Zane George, former national intelligence officer
Steven L. Hall, former CIA senior intelligence officer
Kent Harrington, former national intelligence officer
Don Hepburn, former national security executive, now president of Boanerges Solutions LLC
Timothy D. Kilbourn, former dean of CIA’s Kent School of Intelligence Analysis
Ron Marks, former CIA officer
Jonna Hiestand Mendez, former CIA technical operations officer, now on board of the International Spy Museum
Emile Nakhleh, former director of CIA’s Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program, now at University of New Mexico
Gerald A. O’Shea, former CIA senior operations officer
Nick Shapiro, former CIA deputy chief of staff and senior adviser to the director
John Sipher, former CIA senior operations officer
Stephen Slick, former National Security Council senior director for intelligence programs
Cynthia Strand, former CIA deputy assistant director for global issues
Greg Tarbell, former CIA deputy executive director
David Terry, former National Intelligence Collection Board chairman
Greg Treverton, former National Intelligence Council chair, now senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
Winston Wiley, former CIA director of analysis