The Teachers Union want ZERO Transmissions

Randi Weingarten US Teacher's Union Leader

Are all of the teacher’s unions this stupid? I thought educators were educated. Here is the INSANE logic of the morons running the public-school systems. The Teachers’ Union Boss Randi Weingarten this week said she will only support unmasking children when there is zero Covid transmission.

There will never be zero Covid transmission.

This is another perfect example of an “informed person” (stupid bitch) with a degree in underwater basket weaving probably. Are there any union so called educators that have common sense or an above 60 IQ??

Here is her statement in case you wanted to hear from the horse’s mouth: MSNBC Video of the exchange.

Only solution here is for those tax dollars for each student goes to parents for Parents to choose where they want their children educated. School choice is the only acceptable solution considering that America is # 25 in the world of educated children. Demand it!