A three Letter Government Agency are “bending the rules”

Tucker Carlson on NSA

There seems to be a three letter government agency that are bending the rules when spying, now, mostly on Americans. This should scare any and all Americans about this news. Fox News host Tucker Carlson dropped a bombshell accusation Monday night, saying a whistleblower within the U.S. government has informed him the NSA is monitoring his private communications.

The US Government or US Agency is NOT ALLOW (unconstitutional/illegal) to spy on Americans in the United States.

This was all brought about by a news story from Tucker Carlson that has proof he was being spied by the NSA. The NSA can not spy on Americans in the United States, so they bend the rules by way of the internet traffic.  Business & Politics Website

“Now that’s a shocking claim and ordinarily we would be skeptical of it, it’s illegal for the NSA to spy on American citizens. It’s a crime,” Carlson said. “This is not a third-world country, things like that should not happen in America. But unfortunately, they do happen and in this case, they did. The whistle-blower, who is in a position to know, repeated back to us information about a story that we are working on that could have only come directly from my texts and emails. There’s no other possible source of that information. Period.”

To be clear, he repeated his claim that the NSA captured that information “without our knowledge and they did it for political reasons.”

“The Biden administration is spying on us. We have confirmed that,” Carlson insisted.

Here is the big problem. Since Obama, the use of “this power” has been used for political purposes and spying on opponents too (ie, Donald J Trump).

From another source about the TAO:

The National Security Agency (NSA) has an arm of it’s organization called the TAO, the Tailored Access Operations, the most aggressive cyber arm of the NSA. They use a technique called “traffic shaping”.   It will re-route your internet connections out of the country and then back in to the United States.  Using this technicality, it allows this organization to listen/track this data on Americans.

The TAO, in NSA terms, refers to a unit of hackers it hires, trains, and continues to develop, the office of Tailored Access Operations.

NSA can “watch every keystroke [we] make”

The German publication Der Spiegel (“The Mirror”) has revealed new details about a secretive hacking unit inside the National Security Agency called the Office of Tailored Access Operations, or TAO. The unit was created in 1997 to hack into global communications traffic.

Hackers inside the TAO have developed a way to break into (hack) computers running Microsoft Windows by gaining passive access to machines when users report program crashes to Microsoft [both installing malware and getting the cooperation of Microsoft], according to Glenn Greenwald.