Biden Apologizes to Mexico for GOP Comments


CNN has reported that on Thursday, Vice President Joe Biden spoke in Mexico City and apologized on behalf of the United States about the ongoing statements of the GOP contenders.

His statement below:

“I almost feel obliged to apologize for some of what my political colleagues said,” Biden said alongside Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. “It’s a heated campaign season and I just want you to know, Mr. President, that the most heated rhetoric you’ve heard from competitors for the nomination for president is not who we are as the American people. It is not the view that is the view of the majority of the American people. It’s the exact opposite. It’s the opposite view.”

Wow! The Apology tour is still going on.  And actually I bet Trump’s statements are Exactly what most Americans think.

This is ridiculous really. Our comments inside our country are for the US citizens alone.  I don’t care one whit whether we hurt the feelings of other countries or not.

Also, CNN uses the term “undocumented immigrants” in its article to describe “Illegal Aliens”.   Enough already with this crap.

A while back, Biden has used terms that were completely opposite to what he is saying today.  So in 2007, Biden called Mexico a “dysfunctional society.”

From a news column, “Joe Biden shared his views on illegal immigration with an Iowa crowd, saying that the solution starts with big changes in the Mexican economy. ‘They’re being irresponsible. This is the second-wealthiest nation in the hemisphere – we’re not talking about Sierra Leone,’ the Democratic presidential candidate said. ‘This is a dysfunctional society.’

And even further back, in 2001, Biden said something similar about Mexico AND Colombia. “If you study any of these  countries you realize that they end up where they are in large part because of dysfunctional systems they have, because of dysfunctional societies relating to access to opportunity within those societies.”

So Biden is a putz.