Bill “For the People” analyzed by Senior Fellow

Bill through Congress

The bill is H.R. 1, also named “For the People” is 791 pages long — a massive piece of legislation and loaded with every representative’s wet dream, which was adopted with little examination or debate.

The bill has been analyzed by the Cato Institute Senior Fellow Walter Olson, he reveals it contains at least seven provisions that are definitely unconstitutional, some of which have already been declared so in court rulings.

1) “The bill’s best known menace to the First Amendment arises from its threat to chill the speech of nonprofit organizations and advocacy groups that speak out on legislation.”

2) The bill misapplies Article 1, Section 4 of the Constitution (the “Elections Clause”), which gives Congress authority over U.S. House and Senate elections, by expanding it to seize control of how states manage their presidential elections.

3) It requires states to violate the 17th Amendment by admitting voters in Congressional races people who do not currently qualify to vote.

4) H.R. 1’s “Redistricting Reform” requires all state governments to create independent citizen commissions charged with “micromanaging to an extreme degree” House districting.

5) “A Provision purporting to require the federal judiciary to develop a code of conduct governing Supreme Court justices would run smack into the constitutional status of the Article III judiciary as an independent and coequal branch of government.”

6) Presidential candidates would be required to release their tax returns, a provision Olson says would not be enforceable, given legal precedent overturning other laws seeking to place additional qualifications and burdens on candidates.

7) H.R. 1 would require online platforms to keep public logs of advertisements about political issues.


These are HORRIBLE for our democracy. In fact, these will ruin what makes America free and fair. These are complete bullshit!