U.S. Has Record 10 Years Without at least a 3% Growth in GDP

White House

So, since 2006 until today, we have seen an economy in sluggish terms.  At least here in the real world.  So now, ranking the “Idiot in Charge’s” administration, his average growth rate is about 2.1% according to the experts, which is at #1 in this category.  (Which is not a good number 1 position to be.. )  The number 2 in this category happened during the GREAT DEPRESSION, with a stretch of 4 years long (1930-1933).  From CNSNews.com:

Next week, the Joint Economic Committee will be holding a hearing on the president’s economic report.

“Whether it is burdensome regulations, a broken tax code or a ballooning national debt, the Obama Administration’s policies are a dead weight on the economy,” said Sen. Coats. “Under this president, we continue to see stubbornly low workforce participation and historically high long-term unemployment rates.

“In order to boost GDP, we need to overhaul our tax code and strip away unnecessary government regulations to give employers the confidence they need grow their businesses and create new jobs. Congress can take action to help grow our economy, but we need a willing partner in the White House,” said Coats.

So, I wonder why this could be?  Here is the graph:


10 Straight Years-GDP Growth Chart

You like that flat line at the end of this chart?  This is this president’s history, his policies, his ideals, and his actions that are flushing this country down the toilet.   As he had intended it to do.

Thank you INGNORANT VOTERS!  This is all on you.