Path to Victory for January 6 for Donald J Trump

MEGA March Nov 14

Here is the Path to Victory for Donald J Trump on January 6, 2021.  But we need every American to help!  It will be a legal fight in the House and Senate.   Be advised that there is lots of room for interpretation of Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution as well as Amendment 12 and the Electoral Count Act of 1887. So much of this comes down to who has the most guts. Below is just a summary of a few different paths that may be taken.

Other options will open up and close as events unfold. Yes, there will be mistakes in this summary so if you see them CORRECT THEM and repost a corrected version. But the sentiment remains the same. The fight is not over as PA, WI, GA, AZ, NM, and MI have all sent alternate sets of electors to Washington.


-On January 6th, 20201, both the House and the Senate meet together in Washington DC, at 1pm EDT.

-Mike Pence, as VP, presides over the counting of the votes as President of the Senate. They count the votes and announce the totals. Then Mike Pence will ask for objections.

If an objection signed by one Senator and one House Representative is voiced then the joint session must be suspended.  This could 1 or more, theoretically it could be one for each state in contention, GA, PA, NV, AZ, MI, and WI.

-The objections will be read out loud. The Senate and House will separately debate which set of electoral votes to accept, if any.

-There is a two hour maximum for each objection.


-The Electoral Count Act states that if there is a tie (Senate votes for one set and House votes for another), then the set of votes that are certified by the governor is the set that is counted.

-That would mean a Biden/Harris administration.


-Pence can argue that the Constitution and the 12th amendment (as ambiguous as they are as how to handle an event of this type) gives him full authority to choose which set of votes to count, no matter what the ECA states, and he could seat Trump and himself as President and Vice President respectively.


-The debates in the House and Senate over which set of votes to accept could be stretched beyond the two day limit using several different tactics, such as debating each individual vote for two hours rather than the whole set.

-This, in one interpretation of law, sends the decision for who is elected straight to the Senate and House. The Senate could easily vote in Pence as VP with Pence being the tie breaker vote if necessary.

-The House votes using delegation not number of representatives, so each state would get one vote. The Republicans control most of the votes in this scenario so they can vote in Trump with ease.

-This scenario can also be triggered if, in an earlier step, Mike Pence decides to throw out all of the electoral votes for being fraudulent.

As said before, this could go many different ways.

But the important step right now is to make sure our senators and representatives cosponsor and support the objections brought forth on January 6th. What happens after that depends on who has the most guts to follow through on their particular path to victory.

The Fight is on the Phones, the Internet, and the Streets.

It’s time to pressure our elected officials AGAIN. Email and call your senators and representatives and tell them that we will accept no less than action on their part to rightfully seat Trump and Pence on January 6th. Failure to do so will result in their positions being primaried in the next election. We will not forget!

Call and Email them here –

Mitch McConnell must be politically destroyed, but that comes later.

Large protests are being planned for the days leading up to January 6th in Washington DC. I can’t find much more than scuttlebutt at the moment, but there will be more information popping up over the coming days so keep your ear to the ground. A massive show of force by way of these protests plus phone calls, emails, and the spreading of information like the above is the way forward.

Keep your ear to the ground concerning protests for the days leading up to January the 6th so that we can present a show of force in DC on the ground.   Spread information like the above to friends, family, and discussion groups across the internet.


Here is a list of 27 RINOs that said Biden won in a WAPO SURVEY:


Lamar Alexander         TN
Shelley Moore Capito WV
Bill Cassidy                    LA
Susan Collins                ME
Deb Fischer                   NE
Jerry Moran                   KS
Lisa Murkowski            AK
James E Risch               ID
Mitt Romney                UT
Marco Rubio                FL
Ben Sasse                    NE
Patrick J Toomey


Don Bacon              NE
John Curtis              UT
Brian Fitzpatrick    PA
Will Hurd                 TX
Adam Kinzinger      IL
Paul Mitchell          MI
Tom Reed               NY
Denver Riggleman VA
Francis Rooney      FL
John Shimkus         IL
Steve Stivers          OH
Fred Upton             MI
Greg Walden         OR
Don Young             AK

Donald Trump for victory

Donald Trump for victory