Evidence of Election Fraud Listed


Here is a list of Evidence to show the United States Voters, since the job of the media has failed.

I believe EVERY American should not only read Dr. Keshavarz-Nia statement (BELOW B-1), but must take the next step of networking it to EVERY friend, family member, neighbor, co-worker and contact.

I also believe EVERY American should contact their members of Congress in Washington D.C. and their State Governor and members of the State Legislature and DEMAND they read the statement from Dr. Keshavarez-Nia and then ACT upon it IMMEDIATELY!!!

A: Video Evidence (4 items)
B: Sworn Testimony (affidavits) SUBMITTED to court (4 items) Case# 2:20-CV-13134-LVP-RSW
C: Voting Data Evidence (state by state)

A: Video Evidence:

  1. Video proof on Election Night Nov 3, 2020  CLICK HERE. Hat Tip @A_Blossom4USA Twitter account.

2. Video shows Florida numbers change on election night.  Hat Tip: Chutzpah Chai on his Rumble account. See the screen shots with the evidence too.Here is what you will see:

Start of video FL total votes are:

Trump  4,703,730
Biden   4,684,524

At the end of the video the totals on the screen are for FL are:

Trump 4,691,080.     -12,650 votes
Biden   4,702,366.     +17,843 votes

A net change of +30,492 for Biden.


CNN Election night Florida Numbers

CNN Election night Florida Numbers


CNN Election night Florida Numbers-2

CNN Election night Florida Numbers-2

3. Here is another video with the SAME moment CLICK HERE on YouTube.  Hat Tip “The Report” group.

See the screen shots with the evidence below and another user’s videos below.

Here is what you will see:

Start of video PA total votes are:

Trump 1,690,589
Biden 1,252,537

At the end of the video the totals on the screen are for PA are:

Trump 1,670,631.            -19,958 votes
Biden  1,272,495.              +19,958 votes

CNN 2020 PA Votes-1

CNN 2020 PA Votes-1

CNN 2020 PA Votes-2

CNN 2020 PA Votes-2

4. Video evidence from an election in 2016, that shows the EXACT SAME thing, except it was for the Governor of Tennessee. The Youtube video is  here with the technical breakdown, to see the important part, go to the 33 minute mark of the video.

The rest is very educational on how they researched these findings.  Youtube has a disclaimer that its “inappropriate for some users”.The video shows numbers go down for Bevin (R) and up for Besher (D) by the same amount (560 votes up for Besher, 560 votes down for Bevin) after the update of the system in real time.

Russell James Ramsland, a cyber security expert, reviewed the voting database records, found video evidence and other security issues when asked by the candidate who lost.

CLICK HERE for screen shots, technical overview and deep dive information from FreedomStump of the video back in 2016.

B: Sworn Testimonials for Case # 2:20-CV-13134-LVP-RSW

  1. EXPERT AFFIDAVIT – Dr. Keshavarz-Nia

In both of Sidney’s Legal Filings she presented the Statement of another Courageous Patriot Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia. The statement was presented under Oath and under the Penalty of Perjury. The statement centered on the dissection of Election Fraud via Cyber- Warfare.

Dr. Keshavarz-Nia is one of the leading Experts in the world in Cyber-Security, Security assessment, Data analysis, Security Counterintelligence and Cyber Warfare.

I believe EVERY American should not only read this important document but must take the next step of networking it to EVERY friend, family member, neighbor, co-worker and contact. I also believe EVERY American should contact their members of Congress in Washington D.C. and their State Governor and members of the State Legislature and DEMAND they read the statement from Dr. Keshavarez-Nia and then ACT upon it IMMEDIATELY!!!

His Affidavit is in this PDF, HERE.

Here is another web site with Dr. Keshavarz-Nia statement and other notes on this document: Dr. Keshavarz-Nia: Election Fraud & Cyber Security – Operation Freedom (davejanda.com)

2. EXPERT AFFIDAVIT – Russell James Ramsland Jr

Russell Ramsland Jr, the affidavit was submitted by Russell James Ramsland, Jr. of Dallas, Texas. Ramsland — a Harvard graduate who has worked for both NASA and MIT.   This also details that there are more VOTES than there are VOTERS and extremally high percent of voter turnouts as MAJOR issues.

PDF Affidavit for James Ramsland, HERE.  Below is just a few items he found in Michigan, but many more in his documentation.

Precinct/Township % Turnout

City of North Muskegon 781.91%
Zeeland Charter Township 460.51%
Grout Township 215.21%

3. EXPERT AFFIDAVIT – “Redacted Name”

This is a former Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence expert, PDF HERE.

This person was an electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience
gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence. He has extensive experience as a white hat hacker used by some of the top election specialists in the world. The methodologies he has employed represent industry standard cyber operation toolkits for digital forensics and OSINT, which are commonly used to certify connections between servers, network nodes and other digital properties and probe to network system vulnerabilities.

He breaks down the voting systems and linkage to other entities/companies that was researched a few days later after the election night.


In person affidavit at a voting poll and WITNESSED improprieties. Kayla Toma, she is a law school graduate, a US citizen, an Oakland County resident, and registered voter who resides in Novi, MI.


These are just only a few, there are hundreds of other affidavits and in other states. 

C: Voting Data Evidence

Forensic investigation of every change in the data reveals the 3,889,947 VOTES TO TRUMP had been STOLEN!

Computer geeks went in and analyzed the data from the database on the election from all US States.  The group obtained an unaudited analysis of data available for all the states looking for system glitches and other oddities in vote counts related to the Presidential race only.

We were led to a site on the Internet thedonald.win where someone who had decided to do an analysis himself. This has a DETAILED ANALYSIS of the database, and YOU TOO can VERIFY those numbers, he explains how he did it in detail.

The author decided to obtain the data himself and perform an analysis of national votes switched from Trump to Biden and votes erased (the total amount of votes counted decreased by that amount throughout the counting).

By examining the data the author was able to locate an instance where votes were switched from Trump to Biden so he decided to perform an analysis on the entire data set, starting with the states where Dominion voting machines are used.

See this page for more details on this site, HERE.

More will  information will be added, when it becomes available.