Does any REAL American believe these election results?

Electoral Map 2020

Seriously, does any Real American believe that these election results are TRUE? I submit that the majority of news agencies, the democrats, swing state Secretary of States and even some Governors are PUSHING the results as real, when in fact they are manipulated or manufactured from many different areas.

Scytl database systems, Dominion software, manufactured ballots, mailed in ballots late and dead voters, just to name a few.

What’s worse is that Security experts have reviewed this system in the past 2 years leading up to this election and found SERIOUS and multiple security issues. There were even video evidence that numbers were changing ON LIVE TV. See the other posts on this site.



Voter rolls were not maintained, ballots were accepted without postmarks, signatures were not checked against records, and poll-watchers were denied the ability (sometimes, it seems, through trickery) to observe ballot counting—except, perhaps, from far enough away that they couldn’t see what was going on. For public health reasons, of course. Of the safeguards that remained, we now have many dozens, if not hundreds, of sworn affidavits alleging that not even these measures were followed.

Magic Numbers

President Trump and his surrogates are airing their findings and conclusions publicly, at least to the (decreasing) extent that the media and major tech corporations allow them to do so.

Meanwhile, elite institutions are spending their time loudly declaring that such questions are by their very nature illegitimate and evil. When evidence is presented, the media cuts away. When the arguments are posted online, they are blocked or editorialized, and their distribution is reduced.

Here is my electoral map.

My Electoral College Map

My Electoral College Map