Data shows PROOF of Election Fraud


If you look closely at the data and the proof laid out, you will see that this election is a fraud. Computer geeks went in and analyzed the data from the database on the election. It will show that Dominion which is being used in a lot the united states and it will show that it is the foundation of the fraud.

Here is a video “CNN: 2006 Lou Dobbs Investigates – Democracy at Risk Smartmatic, Venezuela” on youtube.

CNN 2006 Lou Dobbs Report - Smartmatic

CNN 2006 Lou Dobbs Report – Smartmatic

Here is a figure of where the voting equipment is used in the United States.

Dominion used in the US

Dominion used in the US

Many reported on numerous events in the 2020 election which are being referred to as system ‘glitches’ in the media.  One ‘glitch’, this time in Wisconsin, which if reversed would eliminate Biden’s reported vote lead in the state.

We have obtained an unaudited analysis of data available for all the states looking for system glitches and other oddities in vote counts related to the Presidential race only.

Another so called system ‘glitch’, this time in a county in Wisconsin. Evidence was provided to us that showed that the vote totals for Rock County appeared to be switched between President Trump and Joe Biden. 9,516 votes were eliminated from President Trump and moved to Joe Biden. This 19,032 vote difference when corrected would eliminate Biden’s lead in Wisconsin.

Also identified issues reported on in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia where similar ‘glitches’ occurred.

We were led to a site on the Internet where someone who had decided to do an analysis himself.

In the piece the author claims his work is a full list of votes switched from Trump to Biden or votes erased by Dominion (the vote machines used in many states across the US).

(The author claims that his work has been verified but we have not verified the results so we currently are labeling his results “unaudited.”)

The author decided to obtain the data himself and perform an analysis of national votes switched from Trump to Biden and votes erased (the total amount of votes counted decreased by that amount throughout the counting).

The author obtained data that has been passed around that was reportedly captured by the New York Times on election night.

By examining the data the author was able to locate an instance where votes were switched from Trump to Biden so he decided to perform an analysis on the entire data set, starting with the states where Dominion voting machines are used.

The author also claims that the data is from Edison Research and it is the same data that is used for election coverage by at least ABC News, CBS News, CNN and NBC News.

Here are the findings, the states with Dominion Software used:
## Switched votes are votes that were taken from Trump and given to Biden.
## Lost votes are voted that disappeared during the counting, from both candidates

Pennsylvania : Switched : 220,883 Lost Votes : 941,248
New Jersey : Switched : 80,242 Lost Votes : 20
Florida : Switched : 21,422 Lost Votes : 456
Michigan : Switched : 20,213 Lost Votes : 21,882
New York : Switched : 18,124 Lost Votes : 623,213
Georgia : Switched : 17,407 Lost Votes : 33,574
Ohio : Switched : 14,965 Lost Votes : 5,102
Virginia : Switched : 12,163 Lost Votes : 789,023
California : Switched : 7,701 Lost Votes : 10,989
Arizona : Switched : 4,492 Lost Votes : 0
Minnesota : Switched : 2,766 Lost Votes : 195,650
Tennessee : Switched : 2,330 Lost Votes : 0
Louisiana : Switched : 2,322 Lost Votes : 0
Illinois : Switched : 2,166 Lost Votes : 54,730
Wisconsin : Switched : 2,078 Lost Votes : 3,408
Colorado : Switched : 1,809 Lost Votes : 0
Utah : Switched : 1,627 Lost Votes : 0
New Hampshire : Switched : 973 Lost Votes : 116
Iowa : Switched : 938 Lost Votes : 477
New Mexico : Switched : 268 Lost Votes : 4,610
Missouri : Switched 0 : Lost Votes : 20,730
Nevada : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Alaska : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Washington : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Hawaii : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0

Kansas and Texas use Premier Election Solutions, owned by Dominion Voting Systems.
Texas : Switched : 14,954 Lost Votes : 30,557
Kansas : Switched : 1,674 Lost Votes : 2,154

Election Systems & Software :
Nebraska : Switched : 30,086 Lost Votes : 50
Kentucky : Switched : 8,129 Lost Votes : 23,849
Arkansas : Switched : 3,664 Lost Votes : 20,748
South Carolina : Switched : 2,779 Lost Votes : 2,119
Montana : Switched : 2,330 Lost Votes : 1,276
South Dakota : Switched : 1,347 Lost Votes : 1
North Dakota : Switched : 234 Lost Votes : 681
Maryland : Switched : 203 Lost Votes : 0
North Carolina : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 15
District of Columbia : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0

Unknown Systems:
Nebraska : Switched : 30,086 Lost Votes : 50
Connecticut : Switched : 3,834 Lost Votes : 272
Massachusetts : Switched : 3,613 Lost Votes : 51
Oregon : Switched 2,557 Lost Votes : 0
Alabama : Switched : 1,170 Lost Votes : 408
Mississippi : Switched : 355 Lost Votes : 0
Maine : Switched : 271 Lost Votes : 35
Rhode Island : Switched : 6 Lost Votes : 13
West Virginia : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 78,300
Idaho : Switched 0 Lost Votes : 0
Oklahoma : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Indiana : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Delaware : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Vermont : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0

SOURCES: Here is the data he used:


The data is from Edison Research, it is used for election coverage by at least ABC News, CBS News, CNN and NBC News. It is also used for the website of the NYT, and probably others as well.

Stolen vote Analysis

Stolen vote Analysis