Texas is under Attack

Flag of Texas

The state of Texas is under attack, not in a lethal sense.  However, in a political sense, our American ideas, morals, and government are under attack.  The state of Texas, government officials and the voting citizens need to be aware of the danger.

A group of former FBI agents have done an extensive investigation and report with the details. Thanks to the Understanding The Threat group.

Groups are explained and even document individuals that are in government offices or held those offices. Link to report: under UTT Reports , then UTT Overview: The Take Down of Texas

Here is an excerpt from the report.

This Overview is meant to serve Texas leaders by alerting them to the significant communist/
jihadi threat in Texas, and is not meant to be all inclusive or complete. UTT is prepared to build
a Detailed Assessment if contracted to do so by Texas agencies or businesses. This Overview is
also meant as an alert to federal and state leaders across America because activity similar to what
is detailed herein is happening in all 50 United States.

Executive Summary
The trouble in which America finds itself is understandable and predictable. Understanding the
Threat (UTT) has a long track record of successful predictive analysis that can be found nowhere
else in the intelligence community or private sector. To understand current events, leaders,
national security professionals, and citizens must first understand our enemies. In this war,
America faces two well-developed threats: the Islamic Movement and the Communist
Movement. Both of these threats constitute hostile entities supported and financed, in part, by
hostile foreign governments.

Since 9/11/01, U.S. leaders have failed to understand these threats. This includes a failure to
understand the basic nature of both of these hostile Movements, their doctrine, their modus
operandi, and the key organizations and leaders of each.
Both the Islamic and Communist Movements have published doctrine (Islamic Law/sharia,
Communist Manifesto) and books operationalizing that doctrine (Milestones and Rules for
Radicals), strategies for taking down America’s Constitutional Republic, a detailed
organizational structure, significant funding, and thousands of organizations in the U.S. to
advance their efforts on a daily basis.

The primary lines of effort for both the jihadis and the communists are in the non-violent realm.
The violence we see on the street is meant to affect social/cultural/political change which
supports their efforts to overthrow the Constitutional Republic. The issues they each put forth as
“concerns” – be they climate change, racism, Islamophobia, public health concerns – are all done with no regard for the issue itself, but for the significant influence they can have in the
information battlespace, because their war is primarily fought in this space.

This is much more a war of espionage, subversion, influence operations, and counterintelligence
than merely a kinetic war.

The Islamic and Communist Movements are working together at the local, state, national, and
international level, and coordinate their efforts regularly. For instance, during the current
nationally coordinated riots/attacks in U.S. cities, communist Black Lives Matter (BLM) works
directly with jihadi U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entities Hamas/CAIR, ISNA, ICNA and others.
Evidence of our enemies’ dominance in the Information Battlespace is evident by the fact that:
U.S. leaders have an understanding of Islam/sharia/jihad which is exactly opposite of what 11
year old muslim children are taught about Islam in U.S. Islamic schools; and local/state/federal
leaders are appeasing Black Lives Matter to the point cities are literally being overtaken by
violent mobs despite the fact it is objectively true Black Lives Matter is a communist