Facebook New Agenda to fight politics


The facebook heads are looking to fight off the politics that plagued the previous major election. What they have laid out was five key points that it would like to address in its platform. In Fox News article:

Today’s topic is election interference on the platform. Much of the Zuckerberg’s 3,000-plus word post covers the same talking points Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg gave during Congressional testimony last week alongside Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. Nonetheless, Zuck writes frankly about the breadth and depth of Facebook’s security problems when it comes to the platform’s outsized role in modern elections.

The note covers five primary areas: fake accounts, false information, advertising transparency and verification, an independent election research commission, and how the social giant is coordinating with governments and other companies.

“In 2016, our election security efforts prepared us for traditional cyber attacks like phishing, malware, and hacking. We identified those and notified the government and those affected,” wrote Zuckerberg. “What we didn’t expect were foreign actors launching coordinated information operations with networks of fake accounts spreading division and misinformation. Today, Facebook is better prepared for these kinds of attacks.”

I love that the “false information” will be supplied by them, of all people, well because they KNOW BEST! This is the same dumbass people that were instrumental in electing the Kenyan born hack, Barack Hussain Obama.

So what happened? Why couldn’t they do it again?

Fake accounts – this is ridiculous since they care about numbers of users in order to charge advertisers.

False information – this is an open society, people should be able to choose what they believe, besides, Fakebook never tries to get the “information correct”.

Advertising transparency – they didn’t care WHERE the money came from, as long as they were being paid by anyone, NOW they CARE???

Verification – verification of what?  Verification of an advertisement? 

Here is what’s going to happen, what will be put in place now, will all Disappear, once a Democrat is elected to President. This is cyclical and is always in the best interest of the Democrats.

Keep on working on this FAKEBOOK. The world depends on it. (sarc)

