Politico: Bush donors preparing to bail after Saturday 1 comment

Well, it doesn’t appear that this is a “desperate fake leak” after all, but more like entirely predictable reality. Both the campaign and the PAC spent heavily to gain traction in South Carolina, so it’s certainly believable that the coffers are running low, if not altogether dry. Given the nature of this key state especially for conservative credibility, it would have been malpractice not to invest in this primary, and hope success would stimulate more fundraising.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif


At least for now, that possibility remains open. Nothing is certain until the ballots get counted, after all, and polls can get things wrong … but there would have to be a major polling failure to see Jeb finish in the money. His current RCP average in South Carolina is 10.5% in a virtual tie for 4th place with John Kasich, but almost seven points behind Marco Rubio for third place. The highest Bush has finished in the past month in any poll is a tie with Rubio for third in the SC House GOP poll, but that’s it. Bush is pulling out all the stops, and his polling still shows in double digits, but it would take a miracle at this point to eclipse Rubio or Cruz, let alone Trump.

If the campaign has to fold its tent after tomorrow’s results, at least Jeb Bush proved one thing: money doesn’t buy elections. At least, not Republican elections.