Somehow this doesn’t seem legitimate to me, however, an attorney for Ray Epps, a man seen on video wearing a Trump hat during January 6, says that his client has […]
Consumers’ Research was founded in 1929 with the mission to educate and protect consumers from harmful products. Fredrick J. Schlink, the founder of Consumers’ Research, started the organization with the […]
I was sent this from a democrat voter on the type of representatives they have. I’ve to say, not too impressed. If you are a democrat voter and you follow […]
An American-born author, mathematician, and political commentator, Dr. James Lindsay has written six books spanning a range of subjects including religion, the philosophy of science and postmodern theory. Dr. Lindsay […]
Georgetown University is another institution that is being infected with these theocratic beliefs too. It’s amazing to us that the intuition of Catholic higher learning is allowing this on their […]
Our higher education is trash nowadays, the City University of New York invited graduate and future lawyer Fatima Mousa Mohammed to speak at graduation this year. Fatima Mohammed is from […]
Now this Gay Pride is a month long? Are you kidding me?? This is “celebrated” in big companies as well. This is the most idiotic thing they can do, yet […]
Freedom of speech is the corner stone of the United States. It’s the bedrock of being American. It’s the American way to provide discourse and debate. But instead, Senator Mike […]
Shop at Target? The new merchandise they are selling and company they pair with should give you pause. Take LGBT and cross it with Satanism. No joke, really. Abprallen, an […]
A new Biden administration RULE that is set to go into effect will force homeowners with good credit to pay more on their mortgages in order to subsidize loans to […]
When a government is ALLOWED to go after its citizens, this is no longer a democratic republic. That would be considered a dictatorship of some kind. What am I talking […]
Seriously, this is the fucking shit that gets FED to the Federal government as INFORMATION on cyber security. No wonder the government is messed up. Title: Diverse Workforce is the […]
This is a scary letter by Dennis Prager that writes on the obvious direction of the United States, but is spot on! My field of study in graduate school […]
The 1619 Project is a long-form journalism project developed by The New York Times in 2019 with the goal of re-framing American history around the arrival of the first enslaved […]