With all that is going on in this world right now as of October 13, 2023, you should be very afraid. Why, might you ask yourself? Well, the event that occurred in Israel have spawned events in the United States should have you concerned. You have this in your backyard, and it will get bigger and worse.
Do you like these things in America?

u-of-Wisconsin Supporting Hamas
The University of Wisconsin campus on Tuesday in support of the Hamas killers who slaughtered 260 Jewish kids at a dance party on Saturday morning.
The protesters were chanting, “Glory to the martyrs!” The “martyrs” are, of course, the Hamas terrorists who were killed by Jews before they were able to finish their mass slaughter of Jews on Saturday.
This was just one of several very vocal pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinian protests at a US university this week following the Hamas Sabbath terror attack in Israel.

Fairfax VA School Board member- Abrar Omeish
The Fairfax County VA Public School Board opened their public meeting with a moment of silence for the Israelis massacred last Saturday by Hamas terrorists in southern Israel.
Following the moment of silence Hamas sympathizer Abrar Omeish took four minutes to deliver a hate-filled speech against Israel.
According to End Wokeness Abrar’s father is Esam Omeish. He is the former president of a group identified as the “overt arm” of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.

UCLA Hamas
As a UCLA alum, part time lecturer and Jew, I find the chanting of “intifada, intifada!” disgusting in the wake of the barbaric terror attacks in #israel and Hamas call for violence against Jews globally.
IF you WANT TO SEE MORE EVIDENCE with videos on the Universities of Princeton, Washington, Columbia, Ohio State, and UCLA, just to name a few, go here and watch the Twitter/X feeds on one web page.
Along with socialism, a huge group that exists in the United States already want Totalitarianism.
Totalitarianism is a political system of absolute power where the state has no limit to its authority and regulates every aspect of public and private life.
What is behind this?
Islam is the most successful totalitarian system in history. There are post-Communist societies and post-Nazi societies but, there are no post Islamic societies. – from the CSPII
How is the United States been driven to this?
The Law of Islamic Saturation
Turkey used to be called Anatolia or Asia Minor and was a Christian civilization. Today Turkey is over 95% Muslim. North Africa, Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon used to be Christian. Afghanistan was Buddhist; Pakistan and Malaysia used to be Hindu. Today they are more than 95% Muslim. Islam does not reach a balance point with the native civilization; it dominates and annihilates the indigenous culture over time.
This process of total civilizational domination is the Law of Islamic Saturation. The doctrine calls for jihad to never cease until the native population submits to the Sharia. As time goes on, the Sharia brings about submission to Islam. The doctrine is totalitarian, so the result is totalitarian.

Islam of Peace, LOL