Media all sound the same

This is a reminder back in 2018, a perfect example of the news outlets all saying the same thing. This coming from their corporate headquarters to read a statement to its watchers.

It was “spun” as a rebuke of something that President Donald Trump said about fake news.  However, this goes to show that it also means it does and can happen to 40% of the entire American media market.  Let’s face it, when it comes to “news” being reported, this is not independent journalism, nationally for sure and maybe very little on the local side.

Here is how one liberal outlet spun this:

A video compilation published on YouTube Saturday shows dozens of news anchors at local affiliate stations owned by the conservative Sinclair Broadcast Group reciting word-for-word the exact same message on “fake” news.

“Unfortunately, some members of the media use their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda to control exactly what people think,” the anchors say. “This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.”

The video shows CBS, ABC, NBC, and Fox affiliates sharing the message. Sinclair’s aggregate televised reach covers about 40 percent of the U.S. Watch the surreal compilation below. Bonnie Kristian

If you care to do a little research, you can see that most liberal articles are quick to point out that this a “conservative leaning” media corporation that did this.

Here is another article:

Sinclair is unabashedly pro-Trump. And many people watching don’t realize it.
Sinclair Broadcast Group has a conservative, pro-Trump bent, and it is quickly becoming one of the most powerful players in mainstream media. It owns or operations about 200 stations already and is in the process of buying Tribune Media Company for $3.9 billion. If the deal is approved, that would add about 40 more stations to its ranks.

If you want unbiased information, go to the Media Resource Center-MRC NewsBusters.

The mission of the Media Research Center is to document and combat the falsehoods and censorship of the news media, entertainment media and Big Tech in order to defend and preserve America’s founding principles and Judeo-Christian values.

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