New: The Kyle Seraphin Show

Kyle Seraphin

This is a new favorite podcast from an FBI agent that was fired because of some bogus issue the FBI deemed it to remove him from the agency.  The name is Kyle Seraphin, he has a podcast called The Kyle Seraphin show.  It can be heard on iTunes, Rumble and Spotify.  Here is a link to the podcast on Rumble.

First, he criticized the agency about mandating the covid “vaccine” and then was placed on administrative leave for correcting a police officer about a firearm being used in a lawful location.  Crazy stupid call by the FBI, because you can see the disciplinary findings and results of other agents in the FBI in a OPR document See #OPRFiles on your favorite social media.  The OPRs are published among the agency every quarter. But that is for another time… The issue is CISA.


What Kyle Seraphin pointed out lately on his podcast was the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Administration (CISA): The most widespread and troubling discovery? CISA has designated YOUR THOUGHTS part of the government’s infrastructure. They call it “cognitive infrastructure.”

Go to this time in the video:  13:50

The most widespread and troubling discovery? CISA has designated YOUR THOUGHTS part of the government’s infrastructure. They call it “cognitive infrastructure.”



From the website here is the director of CISA, Jen Easterly, saying so.  Look at the video in the link. As with most of these mis- and disinformation types, she uses national security to rationalize her approach. Beginning at the 16-minute mark, Easterly speaks about the battle for the truth and the “cognitive infrastructure” in the information age. She briefly discusses building a “culture of psychological safety,” the “testing out of CISA’s “innovative” graphic novels, and the rumor control arm of CISA.

As the evidence proves, there was conspiracy behind the censorship. The White House campaign integrated with the Surgeon General, the CDC, and Census Bureau campaigns drew directly from White House pressure. NIAID and NIH censorship efforts draw from the CDC. CISA, FBI, DOJ, ODNI, and other agencies worked together, and all participate in meetings together to facilitate pressure and censorship.

CISA and the FBI worked together to censor the Biden laptop story. NIAID and NIH conspired to censor the lab leak theory and the Great Barrington Declaration. NIAID is embedded in White House censorship activities. CISA and GEC coordinate with each other and with NGOs like the Election Integrity Project.

And that is what they did- CISA became the hub for many other government agencies to filter their censorship requests through— sort of a censorship “help desk,” if you will. I argue that this was the reason they attempted to stand up the “Disinformation Governance Board” several months back. They needed funding and an air of “official” to go along with their already clandestine activities…


CISA Statement

Make sure you understand these terms: misinformation, dis-information, and mal-information. CISA web site on terms.  The government HAS NO BUSINESS in this!!!