Typical Democrat

Dumb Democtats

I was sent this from a democrat voter on the type of representatives they have. I’ve to say, not too impressed.  If you are a democrat voter and you follow this person, whoa!

V_Foushee Letter

V_Foushee Letter

Did you see what I saw? Well, here is what I see:

V_Foushee Letter breakdown

V_Foushee Letter breakdown

1) Let’s get something straight. My needs and my family needs DO come FIRST. I don’t like GIVING SHIT away to EVERY FUCKING PERSON. That said, I do care about others. BUT NOT FREE FREE FREE for everyone!

2)EXREMEISM? Excuse ME! What the hell is that? It’s more like STUPIDISM is what I’m fighting against.

3) Voting Rights HAVE BEEN HERE. IT’S PRETTY FUCKING SIMPLE. Be a citizen, prove WHO the FUCK You are and then 1 vote. Black folk and Women are eligible to vote. SO WHAT FUCKING CHANGED? Nothing…..

This dumb ass bitch should shut the fuck up. Oh, and ugly too.