Another link to Sec of States and Censorship

Now it’s the New Mexico’s Secretary of State, Maggie Toulouse Oliver has ties to Twitter’s “illegal speech suppression scheme” and violated the First Amendment rights of New Mexicans.

Oliver worked with Yoel Roth, a former Twitter executive, to create a “blueprint” for censorship of speech on the social media platform. A leaked memo written by Roth which reportedly outlines the ways in which Twitter planned to suppress conservative voices on its platform.

Representative Luna stated that Jira is “a joint action between the federal government and a private company to censor and violate the first amendment. This is also known as “joint state actors”…. It is highly illegal.”

Oliver has close ties to left-wing political groups that have supported censorship of conservative voices. Oliver’s actions violated the First Amendment rights of New Mexicans and amounted to government censorship of speech and has a history of corruption and unethical behavior.

 Jocelyn Benson (MI SOS), Katie Hobbs (AZ SOS), and Maggie Toulouse Oliver (NM SOS))

Jocelyn Benson (MI SOS), Katie Hobbs (AZ SOS), and Maggie Toulouse Oliver (NM SOS))

A spokesperson for Oliver has reportedly denied the allegations, stating that they are completely false and baseless. The spokesperson also said that Oliver has never met or communicated with Yoel Roth and has always been a strong advocate for free speech and the First Amendment.

Yeah, sure she does…  Here is some more information to check out from the Gateway Pundit.

Recall the now famous 2020 Time Magazine article which boldly declared the existence of, “a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”

Rep. Luna’s exposure of key figures using the Jira platform now confirms that the tacit admissions provided in the Time Magazine article were not merely the result of a loosely knit far-left coalition—but rather a highly illegal enterprise.

The fact that the membership included the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) and the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED), which have membership from all fifty states, should alarm all people concerned about election integrity, but especially New Mexicans.

Included in the email thread are several high-level employees at the New Mexico Secretary of State office, including Mandy Vigil the state Elections Director. Mandy Vigil is the current treasurer of the NASED – which is another entity using the illegal messaging platform, Jira. In other words, it seems apparent that the entire Secretary of State’s office knew that they had a back door with Twitter set up to control speech about their performance as an office and to delete posts inconvenient to their reputation.

Too many coincidences… plus you can see the email trail of the request to use Twitter to suppress on the Gateway Pundit article!

Check out the NASS and NASED connections in this photo:

Rep Luna - House Oversight Committee Chart

Rep Luna – House Oversight Committee Chart