Really, Taxpayers paying for the NFL stadiums

Las Vegas Stadium

Here is another fleecing of America, courtesy of the NFL. The taxpayers are flipping the bill on new NFL stadiums all around the country. Let’s be clear, the city and state government officials make this call, then push to tax the public to pay for their decision. This is utter bullshit. This is a business in bed with politics.

This was brilliantly pointed out by the Newsbusters Group:

Why are taxpayers footing the outrageous costs of building and maintaining wildly expensive pro football stadiums for mega-corporations? In tough economic times? These are fair questions, says Breitbart’s Warner Todd Huston in a hard-hitting Thursday blog post. NFL teams are sticking it to taxpayers by exacting insane corporate welfare handouts despite their own wealth.

The National Football League’s business and real estate value exceeds $130 billion, according to an estimate. The average team value is more than $4 billion. Additional league income was pegged at $17 billion in 2020, $15 billion in 2019 and $14 billion in 2018.

Let these teams pay for their own shit.

Tennessee Stadium

Tennessee Stadium

Soon after getting their big deal, then these teams get pushed by government to “social change”.  I’ve seen this firsthand in a local team in the second division professional league. I’m fucking sick of it!!! They push this bullshit gay agenda to kids!

Yet taxpayers are getting fleeced to help pay for their stadiums. To add insult to injury, they are also getting the NFL’s Inspire Change social justice movement thrown in their faces. It’s all outrageous.

So, everyone gets to pay for this and yet the benefits are only for a percentage of users!

The Las Vegas Stadium Authority bilked taxpayers for $750 million for the Raiders’ stadium.

These corporate handouts aren’t just for new stadiums either. Chicago raked up $640 million from citizens to make stadium renovations. That was 20 years ago, and now the Bears are considering a move to the suburbs, where they’ll extend their hand to taxpayers to help build a shiny new stadium.

“Other cities and states are in the same boat as the three above as NFL teams,” Huston writes. “Other pro sports teams continue to cajole foolish politicians into agreeing to give them billions in tax dollars for new or rebuilt facilities. Few of these deals are ever good for the taxpayers, though.”

Make no mistake, the NFL with their big head honchos are so woke they push these agendas too.

Boycott the NFL

Boycott the NFL