Rules set for the Next Congress after a tough Vote for Speaker

Speaker Kevin McCarty 2 - JAN 2023

This week for the first time the vote for Speaker of the US House of Representatives went 15 rounds. That itself is another story, but after many votes, Kevin McCarthy won. The big point of contention was the promise of some rules for the House. Here is what Kevin McCarthy agreed to with the Freedom Caucus. As far as we are concerned, we didn’t like this RINO POS for many reasons, so he better stick to his promises.

THE RULES FOR THE 118TH CONGRESS – Highlights of what was reportedly negotiated for Speaker of the House votes [ PDF ]

— A single congressperson can act to remove Speaker if he goes back on his word or policy agenda
— No more omnibus bills dropped in the dead of night before a vote. Bills must be single issue and allow at least 72 hours to read them
— Covid mandates will be ended including funding for them
— No more increases in debt ceiling
— Restoration of requirement for a three-fifths supermajority vote on tax increases
—Reinstatement of the “Holman Rule” which allows for the reduction of salary, or firing, of specific federal employees, or cut a specific program
— Authorization of funds to cover expenses for ‘Resolving Contested Elections’

— Development of a plan to increase oil & gas production in the U.S.
— Rescind funding for the 87k new IRS agents
— Authorization of the Secretary of Homeland Security to suspend the entry of aliens
— Prohibition of draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and selling it to China and others
— Term limits
— Requirement of the national instant criminal background check system to notify U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement and relevant State and local law enforcement whenever a person illegally in the U.S. attempts to receive a firearm
— Prohibition of taxpayer-funded abortions
— Prohibition of health care workers from failing to provide proper care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion

— Establishes a Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the U.S. and the Chinese Communist Party
— Establishes a Select Subcommittee to investigate the Weaponization of the Federal Government
— Establishes a Select Subcommittee to investigate the Covid Pandemic

Not a bad start…