Watch out in the next 14 months, there is a strong possibility there will be multiple terrorist attacks in the U.S. An intelligence analyst, Tony Seruga with long history of […]
A new report from the Texas Public Policy Foundation the true costs of fueling an electric vehicle, including excess charging costs and subsidies, is equal to $17.33 per gallon of […]
With all that is going on in this world right now as of October 13, 2023, you should be very afraid. Why, might you ask yourself? Well, the event that […]
A group called Smart Cities Connect Media and Research has come to our attention and frankly, it should be on your radar too. After doing some light research on the […]
Professor David Clements was on Emerald Robinson’s TV show explaining the way forward to combat election fraud in the coming 2024. This is worth the watch and is only 13 […]
This is a reminder back in 2018, a perfect example of the news outlets all saying the same thing. This coming from their corporate headquarters to read a statement to […]
It’s a tool that will notify voters, party members and volunteers of any election/voter irregularities in their communities based on real time information being entered in by the users. Plus, […]
I have to agree with this assessment from Michael Flynn, who had a distinguished military career that culminated as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and as the […]
Dr. Robert Malone, a respected doctor and scientist in the field of mRNA and vaccines. Malone was one of the pioneers of the technology which led to the development of […]
This is a new favorite podcast from an FBI agent that was fired because of some bogus issue the FBI deemed it to remove him from the agency. The name […]
It looks as though the 14th district of North Carolina, Jeff Jackson, bless his heart, is an idiot. Read this statement about the defense budget from him, this $890 billion […]
The comprehensive findings for the 2020 election have been put together by two people: Joe Hoft and David Clements. The number of Americans who believe Biden did not legitimately win […]
When it comes to underhanded government agencies and businesses, here is one company that should be scrutinized even more by the corrupt media. This company plays both sides of the […]
This week, FOX News stock was downgraded by Wells Fargo, something that would have been unthinkable just a few months ago. The network was already struggling to regain its footing […]