This week May 2-7, Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote provide answers and evidence of the stolen 2020 Election in this documentary film. This is only part of the equation […]
If you are concerned about your county’s election, then you should check out the True the Vote. They are an independent organization that is working towards election integrity, they are […]
From one of the biggest department of defense contractor’s, this was a message that was sent out to its employees. This company has lost its leadership. This is freaky…. read […]
On a Fox News broadcast, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was laying out his agenda in the event the GOP take the majority of both houses. I’m sure he […]
Calling all or any Psychologists. Where in the hell are you people? I want to know why these people are hiding in the shadows. How in the world this group […]
This was forwarded to us from a defense company called Lockheed Martin. Below is a screen shot from an internal news source for its work force and it’s sick. According […]
Here is a perfect example why you SHOULDN’T take news as the honest truth, especially from Fox News. Fox News reports, on U.S. households and federal income taxes in 2021 […]
Finally, Ex-CIA member John Sipher comes out to the public. In regard to the Hunter Laptop, his estimation at the time was the laptop was part of the Russian dis-information […]
Disney is working overtime to get LGBTQIA2S+-related content onto children’s television screens, with one Disney executive recently lamenting that not enough lead characters in Disney content are “LGBTQIA,” and another […]
Back in the middle of last year (June 2021), the Associated Press and government groups made a claim that this pandemic had become one of by the UN-vaccinated. The problems […]
The rounds of false accusations are in abundance from Russia. What is this about the Ukrainian Army we are hearing so much about? We have heard so many allegations of […]
Now Chris Wallace, formally of FoxNews went to CNN last year, he feels at home now. He left Fox News last December after 18 years for cable news rival CNN, […]
The question on the table to a college educated woman was What is the definition of a woman? I had biology in middle school and high school where we went […]