Let’s be clear, the hostile takeover off what makes America strong and a world power, was taken down a different path starting in 2009. Many can easily see when this […]
Inventor and software designer Dennis Montgomery, a CIA/DOD/DHS/NSA/FBI contractor turned whistleblower, alerted the FBI director James Comey’s office back in 2015 of impropriety. Dennis has over 45 years as a […]
Why is it that the biggest state does the stupidest things, and the rest of America is SERIOUSLY thinking of following these nut jobs. It all starts at the “top”, […]
On September 1st, Joe Biden had a speech Thursday night in which he had characterized MAGA Republicans as a dark threat to American democracy and has not exactly generated a […]
In case you have or maybe you have friends that have “high” confidence in voting machines, there is a video that lays out a good cause for rejecting the use […]
Well guess what? Joe Biden just welcomed TikTok into a formal partnership with the Federal Voting Assistance Program, a U.S. government agency set up to help overseas voters in the […]
An ex-CIA director has spoken out saying that the Republicans are the most dangerous group today. More proof that our intelligence agencies are warped, brain washed and politically motivated. Those […]
That’s right, the California government is trying to determine why gas is so expensive. They are investigating oil companies to see if they can finger the culprit! Gas prices in […]
It’s time to end the FBI. The FBI is corrupt beyond belief and the ultimate was watching the FBI raid the President’s property in Mar-a-Lago. Never before has the FBI […]
Project Veritas released a newly leaked document today provided by an FBI whistleblower, which shows how the Bureau classifies American citizens it deems to be potential “Militia Violent Extremists” (MVEs). […]
You can add one more celebrity to the list, one more to the list of MEGA democrat donors. Seth MacFarlane, the creative force behind Family Guy, American Dad, and the […]
If you use TikTok, then China owns all of your data. That’s a scary thought. Recently, from Joe Rogan and his podcast the Joe Rogan experience, he pointed out that […]
In each state there are voter registration for people to get ready to vote. These people are added to the voter list/roll for the state to allow a person to […]
There are big reasons why the gas prices are soaring. Just hear what oil and gas companies are saying. For one, Chevron CEO Mike Wirth said in a recent interview […]