World Cup in Qatar, Glympse into religion of Peace

Qatar World Cup 2022-2

For those that are traveling to the World Cup being held in the nation of Qatar, take a look at the laws and their “customs” that are going to be “relaxed” during the month of November. The “authorities” in the “conservative Muslim host nation”, have determined the policing strategy for the competition, which kicks off in less than two months, have told diplomats and police from qualified countries they intend to show “flexibility for relatively minor infringements”. Qatar is a tiny Arab state where many follow the same puritanical school of Sunni Islam as in neighboring Saudi Arabia.

The “authorities are the heads of the religion calling the shots.
The “conservative Muslim host nation” is a really SOFT word as to say they follow the strict letter of the “religion”.

Qatar World Cup 2022

Qatar World Cup 2022

According to Qatar’s legal code, freedom of expression is restricted, homosexuality is illegal and sex outside marriage is outlawed. Public drunkenness can incur a prison sentence of up to six months and some things considered benign elsewhere like public displays of affection or wearing revealing clothes can be grounds for arrest.

Arguing with or insulting others in public could lead to arrest. Activities like protests, religious proselytizing, advocacy of atheism and criticism of the government of Qatar or the religion of Islam may be criminally prosecuted here. That applies to your social media posts, too,”

However, organizers already intend to relax Qatar’s strict laws limiting the public sale of alcohol and will allow beer to be served near stadiums a few hours before matches kick off.

So, you people will have little fun the American or any other way.  Just saying…