Biden goes bonkers on MAGA

Joe Biden -Sept 1 Speech-2

On September 1st, Joe Biden had a speech Thursday night in which he had characterized MAGA Republicans as a dark threat to American democracy and has not exactly generated a positive response, with even some of former President Donald Trump’s harshest critics admitting he made a mistake.

Throughout the address, Biden routinely portrayed MAGA Republicans as violent right-wingers who disrespect the constitution and seek to strip Americans of their most basic rights. Biden delivered a diatribe against Donald Trump and the political opposition in general, standing in front of Independence Hall as it was bathed in red light, and flanked by Marines who had been deliberately positioned, the White House said, in staging the address.

Here are some excerpts from this speech, I mean tirade:

“There is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country,”

Of course, not true. They don’t like unfair un-American practices.

“MAGA Republicans do not respect the constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law, they do not believe in the rule of law, they do not recognize the will of the people.”

MAGA don’t like the cheating going on.

“MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards,” he added. “Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose. No right to privacy. No right to contraception. No right to marry who you love. They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fan the flames of political violence.”

This administration is doing the exact same thing promoting authoritarian policies.

Funny that someone called it right on target (Dave Portnoy):

Every time I think Biden and crew can’t be dumber, they outdo themselves. Seriously who gives a speech warning people about how dangerous Republicans are to Democracy while having a background that looks like the Soviet Union and Hitler had a baby?

Look at what this fool looks like:

Biden the Fuhrer

Biden the Fuhrer

This was an interesting take from someone that posted:

1. This Regime has established a firm history of cheating/stealing elections even before 2020. This behavior is a foregone conclusion for the midterms.

2. This Regime has established a willful and flagrant disregard for the Constitution and rule of law. Whether it be vaccine mandates, student loan forgiveness, or calling out martial law under false premises. They will do whatever suits their agenda regardless of the facts. The truth of citizen behavior WILL NOT MATTER, just as it hasn’t for the J6’ers.

3. If you or anyone thinks this Regime will simply hand over control of the country without Civil War, you are woefully naive. These people have gone so far as to collude with Globalist worldwide to purposely crash economies, food supplies, water supplies, energy infrastructure, and KILL OFF a good majority of the global population. Tyrants like that DO NOT simply “walk away” or leave an outcome to chance. They have too much invested in a specific agenda.

4. War is ALWAYS a last resort and not an action ANYONE should take lightly. But at what point is violence justified to not only save our country but potentially save our planet? These people are poisoning the well. If you wait for them to kick in your door, it will be too late. The main issue is lack of leadership to coordinate any meaningful resistance. They are capitalizing on this fact. It’s the BIGGEST obstacle we have in front of us to save ourselves and we better figure it out quickly before it is too late.


Biden the Fuhrer-2

Biden the Fuhrer-2