New Holiday in the US, give me a break

Juneteenth Flag

The new federal holiday that was established in the United States will be every year on June 19th. The holiday is called Juneteenth. I am willing to bet that a large majority of Americans had never heard of it before yesterday.  This was put in place by the democrat party and signed by Joe Biden.  According to history, in 1863, during the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared more than three million slaves living in the Confederate states to be free. More than two years would pass, however, before the news reached African Americans living in Texas. It was not until Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865, that the state’s residents finally learned that slavery had been abolished.

Of course, PBS news has a spin on it, they interviewed a woman that even she didn’t know about it until the last few years.

Athenia Rodney, Juneteenth NYC Founder:

Sure. Well, I first became aware from my best friend, when I was in high school. She talked about Juneteenth and Black Solidarity Day, and then I went to college, and it became something that became more prominent to me, because a lot of people would ask questions, and I didn`t know the answers. So it forced me to do research, it forced me to really learn and understand my history.

And when I came back to New York, or being away from college, I wanted to make sure that others knew the same because I didn`t feel like it was something that was being taught in the school system. And it felt like the only way that we would be able to learn it as if we taught each other.

So, even this New Yorker had no idea about it, but apparently didn’t learn about the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 in history class.

The black solidarity day is exactly what this is really, not about being American, but being black.  Let’s see how we can split the American into tiny little bits and had a celebration day for EVERY fricken day of the week.  Because July 4th, SOMEHOW DOESN’T do it for them!