Why are some College Educated Women Stupid?

College Women Poll

NBC News recently compared several polls to find huge shifts from Democrats to Republicans in 2022 midterm voter preferences. The big exception to these shifts across many demographics was college-educated women, who in NBC’s aggregation showed even stronger support for Democrats now than ahead of the last midterm election.  So why are some college educated women stupid?

“The gender gap between Democrats and Republicans is actually a marriage gap,” noted columnist Mona Charen in 2014, another midterm year. “Single women vote disproportionately for Democrats and married women vote by a comfortable margin for Republicans. The decline of marriage inclines more women to vote Democrat.”

The liberals of society are pushing for women to NOT get married and stay single. I can see that…

Women have been earning more bachelor’s degrees than men have since 1982. From 1982 to 2013, women earned 10 million more degrees than men did. Not surprisingly, women dominate even more the social science fields that incubate leftist political extremism.

So most colleges now function as political grooming and social signaling centers than centers of learning and college graduates have for some time demonstrated, on average, no intellectual development from attending college.

The question is: can college-educated women admit they were wrong about Trump and Biden in 2020?

I doubt it. Biden is a stupid ass moron that can’t think for himself, and he attracts democrat unmarried college educated women. I use the term “educated” loosely.

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This was an interesting statement:

Pew found in 2020 that more than half of white women who identified as political liberals had been diagnosed by a professional with a mental disorder, such as depression or anxiety.

I’m scratching my head as to why some need to go to college nowadays, honestly, many of those coming out are not equipped to make critical thinking decisions, much less vote.  As Forrest Gump said in a movie – “Stupid is what stupid does.”