CNN literally slept its way to the Top

Karine Jean-Pierre

Earlier this week, former vice president Biden announced that he would be replacing outgoing Press Secretary Jen Psaki with Karine Jean-Pierre. But did you know that Pierre is dating CNN reporter Suzanne Malveaux. The two live together with “someone’s” 7-year-old daughter.  So, effectively, CNN has slept its way to the top of the power chain.

While Jean-Pierre’s is a “groundbreaking pick” (not my words) for the White House post, she was widely celebrated (not sure by whom??), it also left some questioning her and Malveaux’s impartiality.

Yes, “impartiality”, this does not exist OR somebody has redefined this term.

CNN is already the Biden regime’s top apologist in the lamestream media complex. There shouldn’t be any doubt that this will make the relationship between the Biden administration and CNN even cozier.

According to Biden, he said “Karine not only brings the experience, talent and integrity needed for this difficult job, but she will continue to lead the way in communicating about the work of the Biden-Harris Administration on behalf of the American people.”

He must have forgot she is black, a woman, and gay. The rest he said was bullshit.

As was commented on the above information:

2smartforlibs –
Don’t act like this is a one off. The amount of incest between DC government and the propaganda machine would choke a horse.