Laughable and Clueless GOP Leadership

FoxNews Sunday

On a Fox News broadcast, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was laying out his agenda in the event the GOP take the majority of both houses. I’m sure he is getting the intel on the polls that show how the GOP are doing.

NOW, this time, he will keep Biden and the democrats at bay.

NOW, he is about crime.

NOW, he is about education.

NOW, he is about military defense spending.

Here is the FoxNews article and video of the old fart.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that Republicans would “make sure Joe Biden is a moderate” if they retake Congress in the midterm elections.

Anchor Dana Perino said, “I want to ask about the midterms next anyway. You have a great way of transitioning, sir. Inflation, gas, and groceries. this is on everybody’s mind. What would be different for Americans if Republicans win back the majorities in the House and Senate this year?”

McConnell said, “Well, our agenda next year, if we are fortunate enough to be in the majority, will be focused on exactly what you and I have been talking about. Crime, education, beefing up the defense of our country. The president’s request for the Defense Department, this year’s request, doesn’t even keep up with inflation. We’ve got a war going on in Ukraine. We’ve got big power competition with the Russians and the Chinese. We need to meet the demands of the international situation. So all of those will be on our agenda.”

He added, “We will not have the presidency for two more years. Obviously, we will have to work with the administration to see what we can agree on, but … let me put it this way. Biden ran as a moderate. If I’m the majority leader in the Senate and Kevin McCarthy is the speaker of the House, we’ll make sure Joe Biden is a moderate.”

This is such horse shit. What about the illegal immigration? What about FREE SPEECH being held back? What about TOO MUCH SPENDING? What about the sewer GOVERNMENT AGENCIES?

Fuck-OFF Mitch McConnel… seriously.