Do you know ERIC? You should.

Magic Numbers

ERIC or Electronic Registration Information Center have been given access to numerous US states private and personal information about their residents, which now has 350 million records on us. The Gateway Pundit has a 4-part series on voter rolls, this is the 4th part, the links to the others are below.

For decades the Democrats and leftists have fought ferociously to prevent the cleanup of State voter registration rolls. Recognizing a potential niche, left wing activists created ERIC to clean voter rolls their way, using their rules. So in 2012 the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) was formed as a membership organization primarily for blue States. ERIC is essentially a left-wing voter registration drive disguised as voter roll clean up. But it’s been gaining traction in Red States too. Originally funded by the Soros Open Society, it is now responsible for cleaning the voter rolls in 31 States, plus D.C. A top election official from each member State is appointed a seat on the ERIC Board or as an Officer, all unpaid positions.


Voter Registration roles of 7 states going to 31 states by years end to a 3rd party group that is left leaning politically. They will have 350 million records on all of us, it includes all your voter data, Motor Vehicle Department info, and possibly court and vital records too.

Media outlets recently attacked The Gateway Pundit TGP about their ERIC investigation to CONTROL VOTER roles. As an example, almost every Colorado county now has more registered voters than residents eligible to vote (see image).

Colorado 2020 Voter Registration

Colorado 2020 Voter Registration

But Americans want ERIC members to focus on cleaning their voter rolls, not conducting voter registration drives. In 2016 ERIC knew of 25.2 million potentially eligible voters who were not registered. This is priceless data especially if you’re trying to swing an election. To nefarious actors, every one of these represents an opportunity to generate a legitimate blank ballot.

Here is a 2 min video on what ERIC can do, Utube Video.

People just want transparency, especially when it comes to elections. But some Secretary’s of State claim they can’t release the ERIC maintenance lists. Congress added the Public Disclosure Provision into the 1993 NVRA specifically so list maintenance is be provided to the public. But ERIC members merge public voter records and some private MVD data together, then say it’s all private. They say they can’t release the lists because it would violate the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA). But they comingled it in the first place. They need to “unmingled” and remove MVD data and release the lists. Without visibility of voter list maintenance, ERIC could be targeting only Democrats for voter registration in those 31 States.

Seven key take aways:

  1. ERIC is just a tiny 3 employee non-profit. Why are they granted regular access to the detailed and private data of residents in 2/3rds of our States? It’s 350 million records.
  2. The lead organizer behind ERIC in 2011 was David Becker, formerly from the DOJ and Pew. His career is filled with events and projects that help Democrats and purposely hurt Republicans. His DOJ ethics probe found that he despises conservatives (see Part 3). Why would anyone believe he designed ERIC to be fair for Republicans? An honest bipartisan non-profit would ban Becker from any involvement? But ERIC provides him a Board seat and operates as their spokesperson. This includes his recent attacks against The Gateway Pundit.
  3. ERIC is supposed to help clean voter rolls. Yet in 2020, Judicial Watch found 8 states where the average registration for the entire State exceeded 100% (Part 3). These are the worst of the worst voter rolls, and 7 of these 8 States are ERIC members. Colorado, a founding ERIC member, had 40 out of 64 counties exceeding 100%, one with 158%. Why do ERIC members have such dirty voter rolls (Part 2)?
  4. Top leadership positions in ERIC are always filled with left-leaning liberals. Some have worked for or been associated with Soros-funded groups. Why won’t ERIC install conservatives in the top positions? Let conservatives control the levers of power for once.
  5. Election jurisdictions have laws and rules that force transparency, access to data, audits, dual supervision, and so on. ERIC has virtually the same data, yet it provides no transparency at all. Why is ERIC so secretive? Their 3 page FAQ document was just created, about 2 weeks after TGP articles were first published.
  6. Why is my State outsourcing the cleaning of voter rolls to a 3rd party? Why can’t my State’s election department, with all their expertise, full-time employees, and dedicated IT staff, clean the voter rolls themselves?
  7. ERIC founders and its leadership has always been hard leftists. How do we know the database or election analytics aren’t being provided, in one way or another, to Democrat operatives?

Point 8 needs to be explained that people’s personal information is being given to a third-party organization without their consent.

There is a 4-part series on voter roles by the Gateway Pundit.

** ERIC Part 1: Who’s “Cleaning” Our Voter Rolls? ERIC Now in 31 States
** ERIC Part 2: Largest U.S. Counties Removed ZERO to TWO Ineligible Voters
** ERIC Part 3: The Founding of the Nation’s Largest Voter Roll Clean-up Operation
** ERIC Part 4: A Response to the Panicked Media Attacks