UTube wants MORE Laws restricting Free Speech

YouTube Sucks

In a recent interview, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki was stated advocating for governments to pass new laws restricting speech so that she and YouTube can enforce them. It’s not like Utube already does what it pleases anyway, they just need an “official node” from the government to make it “legal” (wink, wink). In case some of you didn’t go to a prestigious University, she is trying to implement “censorship” based on “their purview”.

Link to the actual video interview if you choose to watch it from Bounding into Comics.

Wojcicki’s anti-free speech stance came during an appearance on TIDETV Hamburg’s YouTube channel as part of their A Distinguished Conversation Series, which is moderated by Dr. Mattias C. Kettemann. Wojcicki was joined by Dr. Wolfgang Schulz the Director of the Leibniz Institute for Media Research.

Wojcicki revealed that YouTube rolled out an entirely 100% machine automated content moderation system.”

Great! Automation can’t go wrong. (sarcasm)

She stated, “Within a couple of weeks, we actually built a system to move a hundred percent to machines because we knew the pandemic was coming, we knew that we were going to have to lose our workers, and in a couple of weeks we built this 100% automated system to manage content moderation.”

From there Wojcicki described how their content moderation system previously worked before they switched to 100% automation, “We use our machines basically to go out and cast a new and identity what is content that could be problematic. And then we use the human reviewers to say, ‘Yes, it it is problematic, or no, it’s not.’”

These “human reviewers” are the “fact checkers” just out of brainwash school, I mean “university”.

“There adult content, for example, that’s very easy to identity with machines, but something hate and harassment has a lot more nuance and context and could be mixed with political speech. And that’s where we would want to have humans spend more time understanding the context to make the right decisions,” she added.

“First of all, I’ll say that we work around the globe and you’re right certainly there are many different laws and many different jurisdictions and we enforce the laws of the various jurisdictions around speech or what’s considered safe or not safe. That’s true for democratically elected governments — it might get a little bit more complicated in non-democratically governments. So basically we enforce those laws.”

This is the problem; “we enforce the laws of the various jurisdictions around speech or what’s considered safe or not safe.” I don’t recall Utube being an arm of the police.

The CEO is using terms like, Enforce Laws, harmful content,

“For us, we look at that content and we think about the role that we play in society. We want to be doing the right thing for our users and for our creators,” Wojcicki said.

These fools are the arbiter of what YOU SHOULD or SHOULDN’T watch. You ALL are 12 years old.

“We also generate revenue from advertisers and if we are serving content that is seen by our advertising community as not benefiting society no advertiser is going to want appear on that. And they’re certainly not going to even want to appear on a different, you know, content that is positive if they think the platform as a whole is not being responsible.”

Responsibility is good for our business. And we have over 2 million creators on our platform that we share revenue with. So if we aren’t generating revenue for them then that’s a problem for our creators. They create beautiful and incredible content and we share the majority of revenue with them.”

Majority of revenue, really? Like .0005% to content providers and 98.991% to Utube.

“I think governments can always — our recommendation if governments want to have more control of online speech is to pass laws to have that be very cleanly and clearly defined such that we can implement it.”

So FREE SPEECH is CONTROLED by Utube, the “governments” can control Utube and control what people watch. That’s the definition of a dictatorship, or authoritarianism, they all have in common is concentration of political power in one power center.



Susan W Youtube

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki

Finger YouTube