The FBI is lying about Colleyville Texas Shooter

FBI Colleyville Texas

Seriously, the FBI is lying about Colleyville, Texas Shooter. On January 15th,2022 in Colleyville, Texas, a Jihadi Seizes Hostages at Synagogue in Tarrant County Texas. Thanks to the Understanding the Threat organization, we have more information than the FBI nor the media have to offer:

This morning in Colleyville, Texas – in Tarrant County – a jihadi walked into a synagogue during a service and took hostages, calling for the release of Al Qaeda operative Aafia Siddiqui, who shot at an FBI agent during an interrogation overseas, among other things.
Some concerns:
*Local and state authorities have allowed the FBI to essentially take over the scene.
*Former FBI Special Agent Steven Rogers was interviewed on Fox News and told viewers to wait to see what the motive is.
*Local, state, and federal agents on scene have no training regarding jihadi doctrine, modus operandi, nor on best tactical responses appropriate in this situation.

Understanding the Jihadi Threat Matters

When sharia is understood, which is the doctrine driving jihadis like the hostage taker inside the synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, actions can be taken to end this situation, and mitigate this terrorist’s success and the future success of the larger operation being implemented by Hamas/CAIR and other U.S. Islamic Movement entities.

This is one incident in a larger plan. Here is how it unfolded:
1.Several months ago, the foreign terrorist organization Hamas, doing business as CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) initiated a nationwide call to release a Al Qaeda terrorist Aafia Siddiqui
2. The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood led by entities like Hamas/CAIR got their agents inside Congress – Ilhan Omar, Jan Schakowsky, and others – to initiate legislation to advance the cause of silencing all those who speak ill of Islam.
3. Hamas/CAIR hosted a rally in Tarrant County Texas in September 2021 calling for Aafia Siddiqui’s release.
4. CAIR DFW’s Director Faizan Syed went to Capitol Hill in November calling for Aafia Siddiqui’s release.
5. January 2022 (TODAY), a jihadi in Tarrant County takes hostages in a synagogue and calls for the release of Aafia Siddiqui.

Sound like a grand coincidence to you or a well-orchestrated plan per the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan?
It is expected the jihadi will kill the people inside and allow himself to be martyred, but don’t be surprised if, in this case, the jihadi surrenders and claims “mental illness” because the massive propaganda received from this operation has already been achieved.

Why would the Islamic Movement in the United States do this? Remembering this enemy fights this war primarily in the Information Battlespace, and non-violent action is over 90% of the war. The violence, like today’s event, is meant to be used as a political tool to advance their non-violent agenda.

After this is over and people call for the Muslim Brotherhood network to be addressed, and other such actions, the “need” for HR 5665 be passed by the Senate will be pointed to as a necessity to “keep peaceful muslims safe.”

This is all a part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamophobia campaign and the Biden regime is willfully and intentionally pushing it forward as are many members of the democrat party, and much of the republican leadership.

Dallas/Fort Worth is a hotbed of Political Islam, HAMAS, and CAIR.

Colleyville Texas

Colleyville Texas

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Understanding the Threat Logo

Listen, since 2009, Obama destroyed the FBI, by allowing the Muslim Brotherhood, access to FBI/DHS training manuals, which they scrubbed of references to Islamic terror or jihad. The entire agency needs to be abolished and start over with non-ideologues who respect the Bill of Rights.

According to their Qur’an, Muslims are directed to infiltrate every country, with the intentions of taking over that country, until they have taken over the world. The followers of Islam, known as the “religion of peace”, is not a religion at all but a cult of evil as well as control freaks. They are pedophiles, who hate women and look at them as baby producers as well as slaves to them. If you would take the time like I did and read their Qur’an, you will find chapter one sounding like the Old Testament. Once you start chapter two, it’s all about killing ALL Jews, Christians, and those who refuse to convert to Islam. The Qur’an even gives “Good” Muslims the right to kill “Bad” Muslims! WOW! Chapters two to the end is all about war.

So, Islam should be called a “Cult of war”, not a “religion of peace”. The only peace is when the Muslims have taken over the world the rule as dictators.