The new year has brought out the first bill of 2021, and it’s a doozy. Democrats introduced HR1, a bill that will destroy our country. It will nationalize the vote, […]
Today is a sad day, the great broadcaster Rush Limbaugh succumbs to stage 4 lung cancer at the age of 70. His wife, Kathryn announced it today on his radio […]
I wonder what happened to the NFL football ratings? I still think that the numbers are over inflated for this year even though it is down. I can’t believe that […]
So Mike Pence is looking to run in 2024? … He’s kidding right? … His political career ended on January 6th when he stabbed the President in the back. Had […]
A mathmatician has anylzed the voting numbers and in his professional opinion, there is NO way this was a real election. His video shows how he can mathmatically arrive at […]
This is real, apparently the new “Been-Hiden” Adminstration has a new hire, meet the new assistant health secretary of the United States. A great hire for the ever increasingly “crazy […]
“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive […]
A professor of Law found that the election fraud evidence was significant and the cases dismissed were only on legal process grounds, which he explains what that means below. Patrick […]
If you ever needed more evidence, here is a video from 2000 about voting machines and counting from a computer programmer that testified in front of a Florida Congressional hearing. […]
For the “nay” sayers of the election night, here is an opinion that explains the issues in the election break down. By John Henry from his twitter account. It’s impossible […]
Those reading this can take action today. Here’s a personal list of mine to quickly divorce yourself from Big Tech today: • Remove all Google, Apple, and other Big Tech […]
After the Electoral Count on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, it’s very obvious to us that the Constitutionality of the election, the judicial system and then the congressional gathering we witnessed […]
These are the fighters for the Trump Election fraud! We are damn proud of them for standing their ground! Their pictures are down below thier names. SENATE Tommy Tuberville, Ala. […]
Not Surprised really. They did it again with Dominion voting machines and Scytl Servers. You think that these anomalies wouldn’t occur again, but NO, they show up again. Vote changing […]