In case you thought that California had a free and fair election of the recall of governor Gavin Newsome. Take a look at the screen shots of the reporting from […]
Saturday, Sept. 18 was the date for the “J6 Rally,” organized by a political advocacy group called Look Ahead America. Funny how this “Rally” was not advertised in the circles […]
American fundamentalism has changed, and not for the good. Joe Biden is continuing the trajectory, in which Obama corrupted the military along with the Justice Department, the medical community, the […]
Federal Whistleblower Jodi O’Malley, a Registered Nurse who works for the US Department of Health and Human Services, went public with secret recordings revealing the truth about the Covid vaccines. […]
After the never ending shit show that is the Biden Administration, the hits keep on coming. The last idiotic plan was to pull out of Afghanistan leaving Americans/Allies, tons of […]
We have know about this guy for months, the media was silent but you could find his name and picture on small websites. But now, it’s public. Meet the Capital […]
The FDA is pushing to approve Vaxx shots, up until now the FDA has been able to distribute the Covid vaccines under “emergency use authorization.” This means the sign off […]
The “US Commander” is AWOL on the troop exit of the Afghanistan debacle, and I use the term “US Commander” in Chief jokingly. The Joke in Chief, made a STUPID decision […]
The third and finally day of the Cyber Symposium got started with a bang. Mike Lindell told the crowd an associate of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, had his home […]
In the second day of the Cyber Symposium it was revealed that a user with connections, acquired images of a Dominion system server. One was downloaded before the election and […]
On this first day of the Mike Lindell Cyber Challenge, it began with a cyber attack on the video production that lasted about an hour. When it finally began, an […]
So based on a flat out lie, the government and Joe Xiden pushes mandates to get vaccinated. Let me quickly explain. The Center of Disease Control (CDC) took a medical […]
Website Gateway Pundit is under attack, by a “fact checking” site partnered with the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the World Health Organization and a slew of major […]
The DC Detention Facility, where January 6 detainees are being held, has refused to allow Representatives Paul Gosar, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, and Louie Gohmert to tour the facility […]